Soviet light erotic cartoons Alexandra Snezhko-Blotskaya
By Pictolic, the Frank sexuality of the characters of children's cartoons are completely useless. But on the other hand, the animated film with abstract asexual characters look primitive and dull. Alexandra Gavrilovna Snezhko-Blotskaya is a wonderful film huge number of beloved Soviet cartoons, able to find a middle ground and add to the appearance of the characters and a touch of eroticism where it is needed.
In cartoons, taken in the 60-70‑ies of the last century, often heroine with very feminine shapes and very revealing outfits. Almost all of them were created with the participation of Alexandra Snezhko-Blotskaya is a talented animator and Director, who left a noticeable trace in the history of animation.
This woman had an incredible intuition and talent. She was able to submit your heroes so that they do not cause issues in children, feelings of unease from their parents and does not violate any applicable strict canons "of socialist art". 21 Feb 2020 will mark the 111th anniversary of the birth of animator and Director, and we want you to remember the man in the cartoons which grew more than one generation.
Alexander was born in 1909, in the provincial town of Volchansk, in the province of Kharkov in the family of a railway engineer. The girl's father died early and took her to the education of his older sister Lydia. When Sasha was still a child, guardians along with it moved to the city of Shatura, near Moscow. There she graduated from seven classes of secondary school and, while still a student, found his first job as assistant librarian.
Later Snezhko-Blotskaya remembered that first job had an impact on her life. Working in the library, Alexander began to read a lot and favored fairy tales as the Russian national and foreign.
Around the same time, the girl began to draw. She was good at it and therefore, for further studies Alexander chose the Studio of painting with the Architectural-construction Institute. Having completed the course with excellent grades, Snezhko-Blotskaya entered the Central Studio of painting and drawing, where he continued to hone his skills.
Cartoon the Quartet, 1935
In her spare time, she painted mainly portraits and landscapes. Her work was very successful, and the artist was calculated paintings for the removal of the garden for the summer. Alexander the great also sewed and knitted, and itself has developed new models of clothes. Snezhko-Blotskaya and her husband composer Leo Schwartz was a typical creative family and instilled a love of art daughter Susanna.
Before Alexandra Gavrilovna settled on "Soyuzmultfilm", she had to work as a draftsman in the design office and in the wording newsreel "Soyuzkinorynok" as a graphic designer. For the first time with the animation, the artist met in the Studio "Mezhrabpomfilm", where she was invited to work on the animated film "Quartet".
The cartoon "the little humpbacked Horse", 1947
This experience was Snezhko-Blotskaya like her colleagues in the Studio was great Soviet Directors Suteev and Babichenko, which became the cartoonist for the novice teachers. When in 1936 he founded the Studio "Soyuzmultfilm" and was declared the recruitment of specialists, Alexandra Gavrilovna without hesitation joined the new team, which did not leave until the end of his life.
On the new Studio lacked specialists and Snezhko-Blotskaya were taken for solving a variety of tasks. The woman worked as an animator, artist, assistant Director, co-writer, second Director. She participated in the creation of such masterpieces as "the little humpbacked Horse" and "the snow maiden", as well as many less well-known cartoons.
Cartoon "the Enchanted boy", 1955
In 1950‑e years, Alexandra Snezhko-Blotskaya, as a Director, working on his paintings, "the Enchanted boy", created by the fairy tale lagerlöf, the "Orange bottle" the story of V. Bianchi. During this period, her partner was a great Soviet Director-animator B. Colonels.
1956 Alexandra Gavrilovna works independently and releases one after the other animated masterpieces such as "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", "Verlioka", "castle Amber", "Dragon", "the daughter of the sun". It is easy to see that almost all of the cartoons Snezhko-Blotskaya are fairy tales — genre, which she loved working in the library.
The animated film "the Tale of the Golden Cockerel", 1967
While working on cartoons Snezhko-Blotskaya boldly experimenting with different graphic styles, so many of his works are difficult to find. In 1967, the artist began to experiment with the outfits of the characters of his works and it is to this period belong the first "openly" dressed characters.
The first cartoon in which the heroine got a touch of sexuality, was "the Tale of the Golden Cockerel" based on the tale by Alexander Pushkin. Shamahanskaya Queen, created by Alexandra Gavrilovna unforgettable! It is, as befits a wily seductress, dressed incredibly brave and moves very sexy.
The cartoon "the cat that walked by himself", 1968
In the next work, the cartoon "the cat that walked by himself", Snezhko-Blotskaya went even bolder step. It is a primitive woman several times appears Topless! Conflict with the censors, the Director was not as chest of the character was devoid of nipples. This clever and today is used by some models in instagram.
But best of all notable erotic experiments Snezhko-Blotskaya in her work, dedicated to the Greek mythology. That's where in fact there was a huge scope for creativity! The male characters in the cartoon Director was athletically built, and women only slightly covered by clothing, and sexy as can be allowed in children's cartoons.
Cartoon Persey, 1973
In his penultimate cartoon "Perseus" Snezhko-Blotskaya again took a chance and section Andromeda waist top. As in the case of the heroine of "the Cat who walks by himself, his chest was designed in details. The latest work of Alexandra Gavrilovna was filmed in 1974 "Prometheus" — the cartoon of the same mythological series.
A wonderful artist and a wonderful Director Alexandra Snezhko-Blotskaya died on December 29, 1980 and was buried in the town of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow oblast. Many believe that she remained a consummate master of his craft and a worthy example more than one generation of animators.
Keywords: Culture of the USSR | Movie | Artist | Director | Studio | Myths | Cartoons | Fairy tales | Soyuzmultfilm
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