Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

Categories: Asia

There is a huge amount of narcotic drugs in the world. Among them there are both synthetic and natural, of natural origin. But this does not mean that natural drugs are less dangerous than artificial ones. This is clearly seen in Pakistani scorpion smokers, who do not look well, but do not live long.

Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

Smoking scorpions cannot be attributed to the new sophisticated types of drug addiction. The inhabitants of Central Asia have sinned this way since ancient times. They used these arthropods in our time. But in recent years, the number of fans of this exotic high has increased dramatically. Traditionally, scorpions are smoked in Peshawar, but there are connoisseurs in other parts of the country.

Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

In Pakistan, the most popular narcotic is opium, which is usually smoked. Its destructive effect on the body is enormous. But the Peshawar people consider opium a lesser evil than scorpions, although some mix the two drugs to enhance the effect.

Preparation of a drug from a poisonous arthropod takes time and requires compliance with technology. The captured scorpion is fried alive in a traditional clay oven on coals. A dead animal is not suitable for these purposes. After burning, the ashes are mixed with tobacco or opium and smoked using small pipes made of clay or glass "nacha".

Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

The dependence on smoking scorpions is very great. Some Peshawarans sit near the stove and inhale the smoke from the burning creature, so as not to lose a single breath of buzz. After smoking a small tube of ash, the effect lasts up to 10 hours. Of these, the first 6 are not entirely pleasant and are more like poisoning. But then the smoker's body adapts and a euphoric state sets in.

74-year-old resident of Peshawar Sohbat Khan told reporters about the history of his addiction and feelings. Khan is a real long-liver among drug addicts, since he started smoking scorpions back in the 60s. Now the man has given up this dangerous habit, at least that's what he claims. He switched to opium, which he considers an easy substitute for scorpions.

Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

Sohbat started using scorpions at the age of 20, independently catching them in the mountains. He was not alone in his hobby, so soon he had to travel long distances to catch these animals. It also happened that scorpions had to be bought at all or go to a neighboring state for them.

"This is the worst form of addiction," says Sohbat Khan. After smoking a small pipe "nacha" a person is waiting for several hours of torment. Muscle and stomach pains, nausea, dizziness and even convulsions begin. But then comes the state for which everything was started.

Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

Pakistani doctor Azaz Jamal, who has dealt with such drug addicts for many years, considers this form of addiction the most destructive. In his opinion, the poison contained in scorpions irreversibly damages the human brain.

Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

Among drug addicts who use arthropods, such long-livers as Sohbat Khan are a huge rarity. The experience of a person "sitting" on this substance rarely exceeds 5-7 years. The fight against this type of addiction, according to Dr. Jamal, is very difficult. Usually smokers are residents of remote mountainous areas. In addition, it is customary in Peshawar to hide an addiction to this drug. It is considered not prestigious and, unlike hashish, is in demand among the poorest.

Scorpio dependence is not reflected in any way in the legislation of Pakistan. Officially, there is no such drug and it is impossible to punish people who manufacture and sell it. Meanwhile, this vice has another side — ecological. Scorpions in the Peshawar area are caught by the thousands.

Smoking dead scorpions is an exotic drug addiction from Pakistan

It got to the point that in the districts of Bannu, Kohat, Karak, Lower Dir, Upper Dir, Charsadda and Bat Khela, this arthropod has become a rarity. But scorpions are not only dangerous, but also a very useful animal. Drugs for cancer and HIV are made from its poison and it costs a lot of money.

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