"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

Categories: Health and Medicine | Nations | Society | World

When it comes to the squat, there are often heated debate. There are two camps, one of which are those who believe this provision is convenient and even contribute to the strengthening of the legs, and the other is the prerogative of criminals and negatively affect the health of the pose. But this is a subjective opinion, and what they say about doctors, biologists and anthropologists?

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

Today, the sitting "on the courts," that is, the maximum bending the legs and resting the buttocks on the heels, a refers to the symbols of Russia. In the world to refer to this phenomenon there was even a special term slav squats, that is "Slavic squat". This position of the body is inextricably linked with typical Eastern European Gopnik in the Adidas costumes and seeds in his pockets.

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

In correctional facilities, the posture is very popular. It is believed that squatting can relax without risking to get hypothermia "fifth point" from contact with the cold metal and concrete surfaces.

But scientists argue that pose "on the courts" appeared in the life of a man much earlier than opened the first prison. Therefore, the negative connotation of this body position is not honored, and attitude requires an objective review, from the point of view of the official science.

Please note how often squat in the squat little children just mastering bipedalism. For them to sit, legs apart, very convenient and they can take quite a while to go about their business, for example, to dig in the sand.

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

Some children even appear from the "squat", as it is one of the traditional positions for childbirth in many Nations, beginning with the ancient Egyptians. Modern doctors now believe that this position is more justified for a correct delivery, because it helps to widen the birth canal and create additional pressure in the pelvic cavity.

But most of squatting just sitting here, thinking this body position is comfortable. Many are able to spend so many hours without experiencing any discomfort. How does our body when we sit "on the courts" and is there really a health risk for frequent and prolonged use of this position?

The squat requires strong flexion (hyperflexia) all three main joints: ankle, knee and hip. It is precisely known that prolonged sitting in this position can cause osteoarthritis of the knee and even damage to the common fibular nerve.

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

But the main danger of this position is that by repeatedly practicing this seat, the man earns a "complex situation squat" — a characteristic change of the surface of the joints of the feet, which can not be called positive.

On the human joints abusing "courts" appear curved, smooth areas, and for a long time kinked vessels gradually go deeper into the tissue, leaving the bones of the characteristic furrows. The deepening of the tibia significantly increased, and the talus metatarsal resting in her lengthened. This allows more Flex the foot without creating tension in the joints and ligaments.

Strong flexion in the knee joint causes the appearance on its surface additional divisions — facets. Famous anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky claims that originally, the structure of the knee joint was typical for the black population and was considered one of the racial characteristics.

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

But later it became obvious that this feature is purchased and you receive the representatives of all races and peoples who love to squat. Anthropologists know all the anatomical characteristics of fans of this position, as they discover the remains of people who lived in ancient times.

"Complex situation squatting" was recorded at the skeletons belonging to the Upper Paleolithic era, found on Sungerski the Parking lot in the Vladimir region. The remains of this approximately 34 thousand years, but then, on the territory of present-day Russia was not averse to sit "on the courts".

The same knee facets found on the skeletons of early farmers of South Africa, who lived more than 20 thousand years ago. As for Neanderthals, the scientists claim that their lower limbs were much better suited to the squat than the bones and joints of the modern man.

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

Position "on the courts" may be considered to be international, so that the rest of the people of different ages, in different parts of the world, ranging from Ancient Greece to modern China. Anthropological database, eHRAF World Cultures argues that in the modern world squat more common than the use of a chair. For residents of South-East Asia is the body position is so characteristic that, in the West, along with the term slav squats appeared formulation asian squats.

Surprise the English-speaking world addiction to the "courts" easy to understand. For most Americans and Western Europeans this position is uncomfortable and even painful. To stay there, they just a few minutes, and the ability of the Russian Gopnik and Chinese workers spend hours squatting is perceived as a phenomenon.

The inhabitants of the planet gradually lose their ability to sit comfortably in this position. Studies have found that even the inhabitants of the Japanese Islands gradually lose the ability a long time to remain on his haunches. In 2009 it was found experimentally that 22% of Japanese students are unable to hold out for a few minutes in this position.

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

But it's not in the level of development of a people. For the squat requires a strong dorsiflexion, that is, the curve of the foot up. The discomfort and even pain occur primarily in the Achilles ' tendon. Children's foot is rejected without any problems at 70 degrees, but most adults will not be able to boast of even a modest 30 percent.

This feature, again, is not associated with age, and with the habit of wearing hard shoes, especially heels. Wear it gradually shortens the Achilles tendon, according to the known principle of nature — "use or lose". American osteopath Philip beach (Phillip Beach), which explores changes in the Achilles tendon, said that the squat is known since ancient times, natural to man and bring benefits to the skeleton and joints.

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

The scientist will take the squat to the "active rest", which helps the body to relax, but keeps in shape Achilles tendon and helps to preserve the flexibility of the foot. You can check the capabilities of their extremities by a simple test. You need to be to face the wall, touching her knee and big toe.

Behind the second leg support for back, try to take the front as far as possible, not taking his foot off the floor. Measure the distance that your thumb away from the wall. If the number exceeds 10.8 cm for the right leg and 11.3 cm to the left, then sitting on a deep squat you uneasy and will not bring harm. But you probably already know about it themselves.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Russian Federation | The peoples of the world | Society | Skeleton | Anatomy | Gopnik | Characteristics | Structure | Slavs

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