Sexy girls and used parts

Sexy girls and used parts

Categories: World

Advertising is, of course, the engine of commerce. And in order to advertise a product well, they often use sex. It was with the help of sexy photos that one of the eBay users decided to promote his small business, who, under the nickname Babenotincluded, sells spare parts for motorcycles online. For each product, he himself makes a promotional photo, which always features a seductive girl in lingerie. Thus, the Babenotincluded store is often visited by interested individuals.

(Total 24 photos)

Sexy girls and used parts

Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Sexy girls and used parts


Author: Konstantin Semenov

Source: Babe-Not-Included

Keywords: Ebay | Girls | Promotion

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