Porcelain Palace in Tianjin

Porcelain Palace in Tianjin

Categories: Asia | Design and Architecture

The main attraction of Chinese Tianjin is the extraordinary Porcelain House (瓷房子, Ci Fangzi, Yuebao House, China Porcelain House), which has taken its current shape thanks to the efforts of local businessman Zhang Lianzhi. All his life he collected antique porcelain pieces. He had accumulated a huge amount of them, and so that the good would not gather dust in vain, he decided to decorate an old mansion with assembled porcelain.

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Porcelain Palace in Tianjin

Source: postomania.ru

Porcelain Palace in Tianjin

1. It took 5 years to finish the building. The porcelain house was opened for visitors on September 2, 2007. The building itself was built 100 years ago and is made in the French style. The 50-year-old businessman bought this vacant building for his porcelain collection for 1 million yuan ($160,000). It used to house the Central Ministry of Finance of the Qing Dynasty, and since 1949, a bank.

Porcelain Palace in Tianjin

2. The house is decorated not only with porcelain, but also with white marble and natural crystals. 3,000 antique porcelain vases dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907), 4,000 dishes and bowls, dozens of tons of porcelain fragments, crystal and agate, 400 carved marble elements were used to decorate the building. All this cost Zhang Lianzhi $ 65 million. At the same time, he himself actively participated in the finishing work.

Porcelain Palace in Tianjin

3. Today the Porcelain House is open to visitors as a museum. Open daily from 9:00 to 18:00. Entrance: 35 yuan ($6).

Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Porcelain Palace in Tianjin


Keywords: House | China

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