Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

Categories: Children | World

If you have found a time when listening in the biology of sexual reproduction, the whole class was laughing and embarrassed, you will be surprised to see how openly talk about sex in Europe and the United States. Sex education is the healthy attitude towards your body and sex.

Let's look at pictures from children's books about sex as the parents explain to kids where babies come from.

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

The Danes, who, according to the results of studies are considered the happiest people on Earth, quite easy to talk to their kids about sex and not come up with anything about "seeds in the stomach".

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

The testicles of the father is filled with sperm. When he and mom make love, they come out of the tip of his penis. They move through the mother's vagina into the space in mother's abdomen called the "womb." Sometimes in the mother there is a tiny egg where the sperm enters.

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

If the sperm penetrates the egg, in the mother's uterus begins to grow the child. Mom and dad don't know it yet.

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

As soon as the child is growing up and mommy's belly. All these months dad is very proud of mom. They are very happy, having felt its first tremors in the mother, and counting the days until the birth. Then go for the handle. When the baby is born, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord through which the baby all the time received food, more of it is not needed.

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

In the French book for children 6 to 8 years of "Love and children" (L'amour et les bebes) are described as interracial and homosexual relationships.

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

When two men or two women love each other, they are called "homosexuals". If you love each other a man and a woman, it means they are heterosexual.

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

How to make love? When two adults love each other, they need a special embrace: they caress each other everywhere, relate to the skin each other, hugging. They want to make love.

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

Katauskas Fiona (Fiona Katauskas) went for a book about where babies come from, and was shocked by the fact that in the XXI century on the shelves still adorn books of the 70s. Conception, pregnancy and childbirth today is a complicated process. A woman can pregnant from the man she loved, and from donor. And then Fiona wrote his book — "the Amazing true story of how made children."

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

"Mr. Sperm meets Ms. Egg"

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

Become an egg donor — Inseminated Sperm from the Donor sperm Fertilized the Egg from

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

It has also included in his book a caesarean.

Pistils and stamens: as in different countries to teach kids about sex

And premature birth

Keywords: Interestingly | Education | Sex life

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