Pillows for healthy computer work — a new hit Japanese offices
Categories: Asia | Design and Architecture
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/pillows-for-healthy-computer-work-a-new-hit-japanese-offices.htmlWe sometimes get lonely. Even when we relatively have fun on the Internet. Even when walking we are a relatively fun time on the Internet in the office, surrounded by colleagues. Of course, you can go to the social network and begin to detract from the work of someone familiar. Or make a special cute friend to work at the computer, which not only will make the company, but also protect from overvoltage. Anyway, that's how come the Japanese.
The Japanese, with their high level of corporate culture and even a kind of cult office know what times fraught with many hours of computer work. In particular, many workers encounter carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by the uneven distribution of the load on the tendons and small joints of the fingers. But the Japanese would not be Japanese if they hadn't figured out how to solve this problem in a nonstandard way.
Guard health stood kawaii and nice plush pillow for computer work.
Huge soft pillows — brand new hit Japanese offices. They are not intended for sleep (although you can try), and to reduce stress on hands while working at the computer.
Each pillow consists of two parts: an oblong, resembling the keyboard (and it provides additional support for the wrists), and a nice character which it holds.
Should just put a huge Teddy capybara, cat, bear, or other cute character on his lap and enjoy more comfortable working conditions. Because the cushion will give the necessary support to the wrists and a soft friend gently forced to sit straight and to keep the correct distance from the monitor to the eyes.
If desired, a soft pillow for the wrist can be detached and put on the table. But those who tried to work in the company of cute stuffed animals, I can not abandon them.
And plush friend can always substitute when a little delayed at dinner.
Keywords: Office | Pillow | Work | Japanese
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