Photography or painting?

Photography or painting?

Categories: Exhibition

American artist Teresa Elliott creates amazingly photorealistic paintings. Oil-painted portraits are not only beautiful and expressive, but also "true" to the smallest detail, as if the result of the photographer's careful work.

(Total 16 photos)

Photography or painting?

Photography or painting?

1. A native of Weatherford, Texas, Teresa Elliott graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.

Photography or painting?

2. For some time she gained experience working in advertising agencies, then began a career as an independent graphic designer and illustrator.

Photography or painting?

3. And only after 26 years of work as an illustrator, Teresa Elliott returned to classical art, devoting herself entirely to oil painting.

Photography or painting?


Photography or painting?

5. Her portraits are truly incredible, being the best examples of modern hyperrealism.

Photography or painting?


Photography or painting?


Photography or painting?


Photography or painting?


Photography or painting?

10. Teresa spent her childhood on a farm, which to a large extent influenced the themes of her work - mostly animals are depicted in the portraits.

Photography or painting?


Photography or painting?


Photography or painting?

13. Workshop of Teresa Elliott.

Photography or painting?


Photography or painting?

15. The artist's paintings are represented in prestigious collections of galleries and private owners both in America and abroad - in Canada, Australia and other countries.

Photography or painting?

16. Teresa Elliot now lives and paints in her homeland, Texas.

Keywords: Painting | Paintings | Photography

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