Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High School

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High School

Categories: Celebrities | Conflict | Fashion | North America

Even the most beautiful and famous women sometimes choose the wrong men. Pamela Anderson recently got married for the fifth time, and before that she was constantly disappointed in the relationship. The glamorous image of a sex bomb hides pain, trauma and suffering.

Since childhood, the actress has been bullied and sexually abused. Having become famous, the gorgeous blonde did not cease to be a victim, only now she was beaten and humiliated by her husbands. Learn about the bitter experience of a Hollywood star from our material.Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolRecently, a gorgeous blonde got married for the fifth time — to film producer John Peters. Before that, she was haunted by continuous disappointments and cruelty in her relationship. Despite the stunning appearance, the star was constantly unlucky with men.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolThe 52-year-old Playboy star has dated men who have repeatedly raised their hand against her, including her ex-husband Tommy Lee. It turns out that Pamela Anderson was bullied long before she became famous. At the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, she revealed that she suffered from sexual abuse as a child. Little Pamela was corrupted by a nanny who watched over her during the period when the girl was from 6 to 10 years old.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolWhen the actress turned 12, she was raped by a 25-year-old acquaintance. It happened at her friend's house. The guy gave her a massage, and then deprived her of her virginity.

Now Pamela wants to leave the dark past behind. And it had everything: cruelty, violence and drama. Here are some episodes of her former relationship.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolThe beauty met her first lover, Tyrone Anderson, when she was in high school in Comox, Canada. After it became known about the gang rape that occurred in 1981, Tyrone asked Pamela to tell the police the name of the culprit so that people would not point fingers at him. He claimed that he had nothing to do with this vile story.

Tyrone admitted that he was sometimes rude to his beloved. The couple lived together for only a year after graduation. The young people broke up when Pamela went to Los Angeles to fulfill her dream and become famous. In 1989, she became a real sex symbol, first appearing on the cover of Playboy. Three years later, the gorgeous blonde won Hollywood, playing Casey Jean Parker in "Rescuers of Malibu".

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolPamela met the drummer of the band Mötley Crüe, Tommy Lee, at a New Year's party. The romance developed rapidly and rapidly: the couple got married just 96 hours after the first date. The lovers celebrated their wedding in a narrow circle on the beach on February 19, 1995.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolA few months later, recordings of an intimate home video of the spouses appeared on the network. After the birth of their first child Brandon in 1996, the actress filed for divorce. Nevertheless, the couple got back together, and in December 1997, a second son, Dylan, was born. But soon the problems arose again.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolIn February 1998 , Tommy attacked Pamela with fists, for which he was arrested and received six months in prison. In the same year, the couple divorced for the second time, but later they still got together several times. The sex bomb claimed to have contracted hepatitis C by using the same tattoo needles with Tommy.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolShortly after the beauty's engagement to model Marcus Schenkenberg in 2001 broke down, she met another "bad guy": Kid Rock.After a break in the relationship since 2003, in 2006 they got back together and got married. The marriage lasted only a few months. Rumor has it that the divorce was due to the participation of the actress in the film "Borat", and her husband did not like it. During their tumultuous relationship , Pamela had a miscarriage.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolHusband number three, American poker player Rick Salomon, married the actress twice: in 2007 and 2014. They say he still loves a gorgeous blonde. The couple separated due to sexual inconsistency and Rick's problems with drugs and alcohol. In addition, a professional player hid earnings from his wife.

In the documents submitted at the divorce proceedings, Pamela said that her ex-husband tried to strangle her during sex and called her dirty words.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolIn 2017, after a fourth failed marriage, the Hollywood sex bomb had an affair with football player Adil Rami, who is 19 years younger than her. It seemed that Pamela had finally found true love, but after two years of relationship, she wrote on Instagram that Adil was leading a "double life."

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolThe actress accused her lover of cheating with his ex-wife, 37-year-old Sidonie Beamont. The French footballer denied the accusations, also posting a post on his Instagram page. And yet Pamela announced her separation from Adil in June 2019.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolThe glamorous blonde's current husband is 74—year-old American film producer John Peters. They have known each other for 35 years. Pamela's son, Brandon, says he is very glad that his mother finally got together with Peters.

Pamela Anderson's Dark Past: From Nanny Molestation to Gang Rape in High SchoolThe producer first proposed to Pamela back in the mid-80s, but she refused because of the age difference. John also had a dark past. He dated Barbra Streisand for 12 years, a former assistant accused him of sexual harassment, and the producer paid her $ 3.3 million (about 187 million rubles).Whether this union will become a happy ending, which Pamela has been waiting for for so long, or will turn out to be another interim novel, time will tell. We wish the gorgeous blonde real female happiness and a reliable male shoulder, not a strong fist.

Despite the fact that Pamela Anderson has changed her sixth decade, she looks amazing. The star of the TV series "Rescuers of Malibu" starred in a photo shoot to advertise Coco de Mer underwear.

Keywords: Playboy | Actress | Marriage | Hollywood | Rape | Beauty | Love | Violence | Openly | Relationship | Pamela anderson | Beatings | Past | Disappointment | Sex bomb | Spouses

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