Orphan squirrel and director are best friends

Orphan squirrel and director are best friends

Categories: Animals | Positive

This is the story of a squirrel named Rob...

Director Paul Williams, who works for BBC Wildlife, found Rob while walking through the woods in Sri Lanka. At first, Paul thought that the baby squirrel had died, but then he noticed that the baby was breathing. Rob was very tiny, just born. Paul wrapped the squirrel in a blanket and left it under a tree in the hope that the fluffy mother would find her cub. But the next morning Rob came and saw that the little squirrel was still under the tree. Perhaps his squirrel mother died in the clutches of some predator. Then Paul had the entire film crew use their thermal cameras to find the squirrel's nest, but they never succeeded. It was then that a squirrel named Rob joined the film crew ...

Rob belongs to a group of palm squirrels that feed on their mother's milk for the first 10 weeks. Therefore, Paul had to feed the baby with a syringe and pipette with a special infant formula. However, in the end, Paul had to return to the UK, so Rob had to be left at a hotel in Sri Lanka where they were filming. The hotel staff will feed the squirrel until it is strong enough to start an independent life in the forest.

(Total 17 photos)

Orphan squirrel and director are best friends

Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Orphan squirrel and director are best friends


Keywords: Squirrels | Cub | Director | Cute | Sri Lanka

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