Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Categories: Photo project

Very interesting photos showing the collision of two worlds — advertising and reality — were presented in his project called "Coming Soon" by photographer Nathan Dvir. The author perfectly noticed a striking contrast between the luxury of advertising posters and the ordinary life of ordinary people. See the project "Coming soon" or ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

When Nathan Dvir first came to New York, he was very surprised that huge advertising posters the size of the facades of the buildings on which they were placed literally changed the urban landscape.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

According to the author, he found huge billboards for filming quickly and without problems. There were especially many of them in the shopping areas of the city.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

In every more or less large city, new stores of various luxury brands are opening in the business center, which are hung with large and colorful advertising posters to attract customers.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Very often, huge billboards are used to cover the facades of buildings under repair or under construction.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

For his works, the photographer chose bright colorful billboards and energetic models.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Nathan tried to photograph people against the background of advertising in such a way that it seemed as if they actually found themselves in this world of luxury and beauty.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

The author managed to create a unique atmosphere in the photos. Such a fictional and at the same time real world.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

In Nathan's pictures, unsuspecting passers-by find themselves in a surreal world.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

To make interesting shots, the photographer had to sit in a secluded place in front of the billboard for several hours.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

All the pictures are real, not Photoshop. The author said that he only slightly corrected the colors and sharpness of some photos.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Currently, Nathan Dvir teaches "street photography" at the International Center of Photography in New York.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Not dressed for the weather.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Zara and hot dogs.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Just sit and look at such a beauty.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Clothes "did not come out".

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Hello, handsome.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury


Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Hot dogs from Dolce and Gabbana.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

"You know you want it."

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

"Made for everyone." Only not everyone can afford it.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

Luxury and poverty.

Ordinary people in the world of advertising luxury

"Post no bills" or do not put up ads.

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