Omayma Nelson's Cannibal Thanksgiving: Sex games and barbecue from her husband
Categories: North America
By Pictolic Egyptian fashion model Omayma Nelson killed her husband on the eve of Thanksgiving right at their home in California. After that, the 23-year-old beauty fried human meat together with a festive turkey right in the yard and tasted it together with the sauce. She proved to the investigators that she had committed murder in self-defense, but she did not eat human flesh, but simply threw it away. (Careful! Shocking content).
Omayma's childhood and youth are shrouded in darkness. It is known that she was born in Egypt in 1968 and worked as a nanny and a fashion model. The girl told the lawyer that her parents were Muslim believers and therefore at an early age she was subjected to female circumcision. Omayma also complained that she was repeatedly sexually assaulted in her homeland.
The police had accurate information about Omayma's biography only since 1986, when an 18-year-old Egyptian woman came to the United States in search of a better life. As a model, she was not very popular, so over the next five years, the girl changed several jobs.
It seemed that everything was fine when Omayma met 56-year-old William Nelson, who had no problems with money. The couple formalized their relationship just a few days after they met, and immediately after the honeymoon spent on a trip to the United States, the young wife killed her lover with special cruelty.
According to Omayma, on the morning of November 28, 1991, her husband Bill began by trying to strangle her. Defending herself from the attack, the girl hit her husband on the head with a table lamp, and then poked the first object that came into her hands, which turned out to be scissors. It all happened at Nelson's house, in Costa Mesa, California.
Former military pilot William Nelson
However, the prosecutors had their own point of view on the crime picture. They assumed that the husband and wife had started some kind of role-playing sex game, during which Omayma tied Bill to the bed. After making sure that her husband was securely fixed, Miss Nelson beat him with a table lamp, and then stabbed him with scissors.
All this was not included in the script of the sex game, but happened because William Nelson's young wife really needed money. After making sure that the victim was not breathing, the killer proceeded to destroy the body. The work was not only unpleasant, but also difficult — Nelson was a fairly large man and weighed about 100 kg.Omayma began by separating the head, hands and penis, and also removed the skin from the body. The killer grilled her hands, rightly believing that this would destroy fingerprints. While the hands were frying, the head was cooking in a saucepan nearby. In total, the session of hellish cooking lasted 12 hours, which, according to the accused, she almost does not remember.
Package with the remains of Omayma's meal
The psychiatrist, who communicated with the girl face to face, learned a few more terrible details of that long day. After finishing with her hands and head, Omayma put on her best red dress and red heels and cooked a barbecue of her husband's ribs with sauce. The model tasted an exotic dish on the same day for dinner. "I cooked them, just like they cook ribs in a restaurant," the cannibal frankly told the doctor, making sure that no one else hears them.
But in court, Omayma categorically disavowed this terrible story, and it was not possible to check whether she was lying or not. No one saw the process of cooking human flesh itself, and the girl mixed everything that was left of Bill Nelson with the leftovers left over from the festive turkey and put it in bags.
Bill Nelson's foil-wrapped head in the refrigerator
A survey of neighbors showed that on the day of the murder, they heard sounds from the Nelson kitchen, as if someone was butchering meat. They decided that this was the usual preparation for a family feast. At this time, the beauty, wielding an axe and knives, chopped the body of her husband. Despite all her efforts, she could not solve the problem of disposing of the corpse herself.
Then the model called one of her good friends and asked for help to get rid of the dismembered body, offering 75 thousand dollars from the dead spouse's safe for the service. When the man refused, Omayma called another friend and begged him to help pull out the corpse's teeth, but also received a categorical refusal.
The girl's final plan was to drown Bill Nelson's remains in the Back Bay, but she only managed to pack them in garbage bags. When the police came to Nelson's house on December 2, 1991, the remains of the owner were lying in a refrigerator and two plastic bags mixed with turkey bones. The unmasking of the murderer was inevitable—she had managed to tell too many people about the details of her crime.
Omayma is near the very "Corvette" that she planned to use for the removal of the remains
The killer insisted that she committed the crime in self-defense, in a state of passion, and her husband Bill was a sadist and rapist. But in the course of the investigation, some more details surfaced that did not concern the sinister crime. Omayma's ex-boyfriend, Robert Hanson, who dated her a year before the murder, told an interesting case.One day, while visiting him, Omayma tied him up and, threatening him with a gun, demanded money and jewelry. At that time, everything ended well, although the sediment definitely remained, but Mr. Nelson was unlucky. Former Costa Mesa Police Sergeant Bob Phillips later described the impression of the Omayma Nelson case:
The deputy prosecutor of Orange County Randolph Pavlovsky in an interview with the Los Angeles Times told some details of the search at the Nelson house:
Thomas Mooney, the girl's lawyer, insisted that her guilt in what happened was minimal. He tried in every way to prove the inadequacy of Bill Nelson and his danger to society and his wife. In particular, the defender of Omayma claimed that one day a man threw her cat out of the window of a car speeding at a speed of over 75 miles per hour. In addition, he said that Bill handcuffed his young wife to the table and beat and raped her for hours.
Omayma Nelson listens to the verdict
The investigation into the case of a cannibal woman from Costa Mesa lasted two years. The court found Omayma guilty and sentenced her in 1993 to 27 years in prison. In 2011, the woman filed a petition for parole and assured the court that she had completely repented and was very sorry about what had happened.
Perhaps Omayma's sincere words about correction would have touched the judges, if not for one of her mistakes. While in custody, the woman remarried a 70-year-old man. The couple was allowed to see each other several times a month and they communicated in a specially equipped room.
Omaymy listens to the court's decision to refuse her release
So, one of the arguments of Omayma in favor of the fact that she should be recognized as reformed, was that after numerous meetings with her new husband face to face, he is still alive and well. Needless to say, the killer's train of thought alerted the respected court and her release was denied.
The story of Omayma Nelson's crime, given its details, is terrible, but sophisticated murderers are not so rare among women. One of the most famous cases with the separation of body parts was the case of Japanese woman Sada Abe, who took a piquant part of her victim as a keepsake.
Keywords: Thanksgiving | Egypt | California | Cannibal | Model | Meat | Scissors | Package | Trial | Murder
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