Of the world taste

Of the world taste

Categories: World

The creation of these cards from food Caitlin Levin (Caitlin Levin) and Henry hargreavesi (Henry Hargreaves) was inspired by a passionate desire to travel. Exploration of new countries with their typical food opens a kind of portal into the heart of the culture of each location.

In this series the authors have taken the classic products of different countries and continents and turned them into cards. Although we know that the home of the tomatoes was the South American Andes, but tomato king among the countries was Italy, right? Maps show how different products traveled the world, changing and becoming part of the culture of each place. Who is going to France and not try French cheese there? Who drinks Brazilian Caipirinha without a handful of lime? Who does not know about Chinese noodles?

These maps attempt to humorously depict our ideas about food around the world.

(11 photos)

Of the world taste Source: henryhargreaves.com

Of the world taste

French cheeses.

Of the world taste

The Indian spices.

Of the world taste

Citrus In South America.

Of the world taste

Italian vegetables and meat.

Of the world taste

New Zealand kiwi.

Of the world taste

US corn.

Of the world taste

Chinese noodles.

Of the world taste

African bananas.

Of the world taste

Australian shrimp.

Of the world taste

Japanese seaweed.

Of the world taste

British biscuits.

Keywords: Geography | Maps | Cuisine | Food | A stereotype of the country photo galleries

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