Obscene legacy of Pushkin wrote the great poet "poetry for adults"?

Obscene legacy of Pushkin wrote the great poet "poetry for adults"?

Categories: History

We all know Alexander Pushkin as the author of a fine lyric poems, great poems and captivating prose. Much less known classics as the author of obscene poems and epigrams. This is not surprising, because in the collected works, and especially in literature textbooks, these works of Pushkin, for obvious reasons was not hit, and their existence is generally carefully avoided, so as not to tarnish the image of light romance and aristocrat.

Obscene legacy of Pushkin wrote the great poet "poetry for adults"?

But Pushkin wrote and rude, vulgar poems and epigrams, and, frankly, obscene, vulgar rich powerful words. Sometimes these creations of the poet fell in print, but strong words editors accustomed to was replaced with dots. After the revolution on this side of Pushkin's talent chose not to forget. Of obscene verses only knew Pushkin scholars and elected archivists.

Obscene legacy of Pushkin wrote the great poet "poetry for adults"?

It is believed that the first obscene poems Pushkin wrote back in high school years, but really "turned" only after completing his studies, in the first half of the 1820‑ies. Lyceum experiments with obscene words and stories, a biography of poet associated with the surging young Alexander feelings of freedom and permissiveness.

It is well known that the poet was a very tense relationship with his mother, Nadezhda Osipovna, which was a powerful woman prone to humiliation of others. We can say that it is the mother broke the psyche of Pushkin, turning it into a touchy, irritable and very vindictive person.

Obscene legacy of Pushkin wrote the great poet "poetry for adults"?

One of the closest friends of Pushkin, Russian poet and historian Pyotr Andreyevich Vyazemsky was talking about the nature of Alexander is the following:

It seemed that just Pushkin promised himself not to let anyone insults and clearly fulfill this obligation, even when it's not wanted. Hearing something offensive in his address, the poet immediately burst into a caustic, often offensive epigram, in which you could use and quite strong words.

Obscene legacy of Pushkin wrote the great poet "poetry for adults"?

Russian language Pushkin owned flawlessly that it was unusual for young people of the early 19th century, whose members expressed himself better in French than in their native language. Such knowledge of Russian literature β€” the result of a long period of residence of Alexander in the village prison, where his companions were simple farmers, local landowners and, of course, my favorite nanny Arina.

Obscene vocabulary Pushkin seriously was called "foul title" and for all his recklessness knew her as. The poet never allowed himself to show his virtuosic command of the Russian language in front of ladies or men of the older generation, leaving offensive to communicate with friends and colleagues in revelry, and of his poems.

Obscene Pushkin's heritage is quite voluminous, but his basic works "adult genre" can be considered "Gavriliada", a fairy tale "Tsar Nikita and his forty daughters" and frankly bawdy ballad "Shadow Barkov". Poetry Ivan Semenovich Barkov Pushkin was very appreciated and believed that when censorship will become a relic of the past, in the first place publishers rush to publish his writings.

Obscene legacy of Pushkin wrote the great poet "poetry for adults"?

With regard to their own creativity, the poet always been angered when the censorship was removed from his works profanity. For example, Pushkin have long lamented that were not in some "folk scene" from his "Boris Godunov," what historical drama lost so much.

The scientists involved in the life and work of Alexander Pushkin noted that his "obscene" period ended in 1828, after which the obscene verses, the poet was no longer writing, and in communication with friends became more restrained. This change is associated with the marriage of the poet Natalia Goncharova, heavily influenced his whole life. An avid gambler, a rake, and the drink became more restrained and serious.

Despite this, the vulgarisms of his speeches and letters have not gone away. The poet was often referred to as Natalia Nikolaevna "simple" β€” "zhonka," and when she was pregnant preferred to talk about her "pregnant".

Obscene legacy of Pushkin wrote the great poet "poetry for adults"?

Obscene creations of the genius of Russian literature was first published in 1911, but all the obscene words and momentum in three volumes was replaced by a dot. A little later came the collected works in 12 volumes, which completely preserved the original style of the works. In 2013, Russia was issued on 11-volume collection, including 66 letters of the poet with profanity that shocked many of those who are accustomed to an idealized image of genius.

Keywords: History | Censorship | Classics | Creativity | Poetry | Vulgarity | Criticism | Pushkin

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