Not men, and sex machines! Fidel Castro, Julio Iglesias and other "Casanova", which had thousands of women

Not men, and sex machines! Fidel Castro, Julio Iglesias and other "Casanova", which had thousands of women

Categories: Celebrities | World

The best known sex giant is considered the Italian adventurer Giacomo Casanova, but in the world for a long time, men who beat him for the number of partners. And many of them are famous actors, musicians and even politicians.

It's about these men and we want to tell you.

Not men, and sex machines! Fidel Castro, Julio Iglesias and other "Casanova", which had thousands of women

Bill Wyman

Former bass player and band member of The Rolling Stones bill Wyman once said that in all his life slept with more than a thousand women. However, the musician without hesitation stated that almost half of his sexual relations occurred in the period when rock band was especially popular.

Sometimes it happened that bill was just picking up girls on the streets and led them to his room. Sometimes the ladies themselves waited for the artist and asked to spend an evening with them and some even set up camp outside the hotel where he stayed. But the saddest thing about this story is that at the time bill Wyman were married, and the wife certainly was aware of his unusual "hobby."

Bill Roach

Actor bill Roache told the world about his "loving" in 2012, when he had turned 80 years old. According to a Hollywood celebrity, a lifetime in his arms was visited by more than thousands of women. Roach also admitted that he cheated on his wife, what is very much now regret.

To break the vicious circle actor was able in 1978, when he met his second wife. If you believe him, since he was no longer addicted to sexual conquests and was completely faithful to his beloved.

Tony Curtis

Not men, and sex machines! Fidel Castro, Julio Iglesias and other "Casanova", which had thousands of women

Handsome Tony Curtis at the time slept with more than a thousand women. At least, talking about it, his closest friends. According to them, in his youth, Curtis "ran with a lump in the pants" for every girl. Among the mistresses actor was mostly his fans and colleagues on the set, including Marilyn Monroe.

Two years before his death in 2010, Curtis gave a Frank interview in which he told about his violent sexual life in the past. So, the man recalled that he indeed had a great success among the opposite sex, but, according to him, each new novel was "the great love".

Russell Brand

Not men, and sex machines! Fidel Castro, Julio Iglesias and other "Casanova", which had thousands of women

Many people know that the famous British comedian Russell Brand was the husband of American singer Katy Perry. Love story pair started very romantic: in 2009, the comedian made a proposal to the girl when they rode on an elephant in India. A year later in the same place the ceremony of their marriage according to Hindu custom. But, fortunately or unfortunately, a year later, the couple broke up due to "insurmountable differences", as pointed out by the Brand in the petition for divorce.

Thus even before his acquaintance with Perry the comedian told me that in all his life had an intimate relationship with more than 2,000 women. So you don't bother counting, adding that once a month he was able to sleep with 80 different partners. Married to Perry, the comedian said that she is "the one", but apparently something went wrong...

Warren Beatty

Not men, and sex machines! Fidel Castro, Julio Iglesias and other "Casanova", which had thousands of women

Now Warren Beatty ' 82, but once the actor was the more "Casanova". The man was regularly spotted in the company of new mistresses, and he once said that the number of sexual partners reached almost 13 thousand! Exactly how were calculations, Beatty did not elaborate, but said he used "simple arithmetic".

In any case, all romantic activities men ended when he met "the one love" — actress Annette Bening. The couple has been married since 1992 and has four children.

Fidel Castro

It turns out that Fidel Castro was not only a great politician and a champion of survival, but still a lady's man. On account of the Comandante about 35 thousand different women. Giacomo Casanova 132 with their partners nervously smokes on the sidelines!

A close friend of Fidel said in an interview with the New York Times that the late President could "order a woman for Breakfast, and second dinner". According to him, Cuban had sex at least twice a day for 40 years! Rumor has it that sometimes companions for the evening for a politician chose his guards during the regular "RAID" on the beach.

Officially, Fidel Castro left behind 11 children, but unofficially — they can be hundreds and thousands.

After all, what we learned, recall the old joke:

As the above figures correspond, indeed, difficult to answer... But the fact that these men have generated huge interest in the fairer sex certainly!

Keywords: Women | Men | Partner | Intercourse | Sex life | Sexuality

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