Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

Categories: Fashion | North America

There should be a lot of a good body, and a beauty with luxurious forms eventually realized this. Hunter McGrady (Hunter McGrady) at first almost gave up a modeling career. When the girl was 16 years old, she did not pass the casting due to the fact that she was considered "too fat", although at that time she weighed 52 kg. After the failures, the beauty spat on everything and decided to be herself. A few years later, the sexy blonde shone on the pages of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fatNow the 26-year-old beauty is called the model with the most impressive forms. She shines on the covers of magazines and starred for the iconic Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

Non-standard beauty: a well-known plus-size model could not pass auditions until she got fat

There are more and more connoisseurs of lush female beauty in the world. American plus-size model Lilli Luxe was overwhelmed by a wave of criticism after she lost weight.

Keywords: Sports Illustrated | Hot | Depression | Casting | Beauty | Plus-size models | Modeling agency | Rejection | Disappointment | Body | Figure | Shapes

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