Never talk to unknown: we have to speak on the phone with strangers

Never talk to unknown: we have to speak on the phone with strangers

Categories: Economy | Life hacks

Phone fraud today is not uncommon. Cheating our brother often and variously on the gullibility, fear of technology, lack of experience and other subtle and not very "soul strings". Most often criminals posing as Bank employees or employees of social services, finding out confidential information, which is easily clean out your Bank account.

Let's see what information cannot be provided over the phone to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.

Never talk to unknown: we have to speak on the phone with strangers

All around, from ordinary Bank employees to expert in the field of information security, I repeat like a mantra that the usernames and passwords to log in to mobile banking, codes of SMS messages and data cards are only your secret.

Never talk to unknown: we have to speak on the phone with strangers

But despite this, news about successful scams we learn almost every day. Do soundly blame the negligence of individual citizens? Not at all. It's much more serious and does not only depend on us. Criminals are becoming smarter and bolder and are constantly coming up with new ways to influence and steal important data.

Rigged everything so that the victim no time to think and make the right decision — the person starts to panic and at the same time, without any doubt, believe the caller. Still, after that clearly mention the name, surname and patronymic, and maybe even the rest of the map.

Never talk to unknown: we have to speak on the phone with strangers

Rogue offers a hapless victim to take action to save money and to do this, just call the credit card number, expiration date and three digit CVC-code. Not everyone knows that, with this information, the fraudsters without any hassle can pay other people's money at online stores.

Very often, this information is sufficient to calculate and while online shopping does not help to identify criminals. The fact that foreign companies still, from whom the money went and they are not subject to Russian law.

But also you should know about the fact that in some cases you can call from the Bank. For example, if you pay by cards abroad, but not put the financial institution is aware of your departure. But even in this case, you will never ask you for numbers, codes and passwords associated with the Bank card.

But it also happens that scams is not enough to know your card details. They may need direct access to your account, in order not to waste your time on some purchases there, and in one fell swoop convert all your money to their account.

Never talk to unknown: we have to speak on the phone with strangers

The scheme of "divorce" is very similar — someone calling themselves a Bank employee requests the code, which came to you on the phone as a message. While the fraudster gets to eat what the code is urgently needed to prevent unauthorized debiting of money from the account.

In fact, these passwords send which you sanctioned, gives criminals access to your mobile banking. You can be sure that the thieves waste time and will not immediately translate to everything they can reach, on their accounts.

Thus, fraudsters can take possession of very substantial amounts. Still fresh memory of the incident that took place in Murmansk, where the criminals cleaned out the account of one pensioner. Then the grandmother lost all his capital, amounting to a considerable sum of 577 thousand rubles.

A year ago, many banks were introduced such technology as biometrics and financial institutions can provide services to clients without their personal presence. Any citizen who sign up for the service authentication by voice, can transmit to a service a few words, which will further help to identify a person.

Soon after the arrival of such service the Bank customers began to complain about the barrage of calls from unknown numbers. But the caller did not need the card number, the code from the TEXT message or CVC. They were stunned at the unexpected, but harmless questions like: "do you Use the Internet?".

Never talk to unknown: we have to speak on the phone with strangers

It seemed to many that the questions are formulated so, make sure to obtain from a person in the affirmative. It turns out that this is not the pranksters and not the advertisers, and swindlers, collecting biometric data of the owners of Bank accounts.

Cunning crooks was not as simple as "Yes" in response to their questions they wanted to hear something like "I confirm", but rather a code word from a Bank card. With such audio information, criminals can commit on behalf of the owner of the account operation at Bank, using the "fingerprints" of voices. In addition, the voice of the customer the Bank is a product, which may be the buyer in darknet — the informal segment of the global network.

Keywords: Bank | Credit cards | Voice | Money | Fraud | Number | Password | Kidnapping | Criminals

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