Netizens Discuss People Who Seem Great, But Are Actually Terrible Human Beings
Categories: Celebrities | Lifestyle | People | Society | World
By Vika all people who seem bad are actual monsters. But not all seemingly kind ones are kind, either. And unfortunately, there are quite a few of the latter kind out there, praised by people who don’t know any better; or simply don’t know enough about such individuals.
Redditor u/Independent_Sun_592 recently started a discussion about seemingly kind people, asking fellow netizens to name someone who is generally considered a great person but is a monster. Redditors had quite a few names prepared, so if you’re interested in seeing who were the wolves in sheep’s clothing, scroll down to find their answers on the list below.
Below you will also find Pictolic’s interviews with the OP themselves and two psychology professors, a Professor at Stetson University in Florida, Christopher J. Ferguson, and a Professor at Georgia Gwinnett College in Georgia, David Ludden, who were kind enough to answer a few of our questions.
Every Mega Church senior pastor. I like how they constantly ask for donations and charity and then, if there's a disaster in their area, rather than help and donate to the relief fund they bar their doors in case anyone ruins their electric blue carpet.
Oprah Winfrey. She has platformed so many terrible humans, scam artists, and snake oil salesmen it’s unbelievable.
Tom Cruise gives millions to an aggressive cult that destroys families.
In a recent interview with Pictolic, the OP shared that it was their interest in history that encouraged them to ask this particular question. “I was reading and studying a lot on Julius Caesar and a lot of historians and history buffs consider him a great figure of history. However, to the Gauls, which is now modern France, he would be considered a monster as he killed or enslaved 1 million of them in his conquest of Gaul.”
In addition to revealing what made them think about people who are praised by some, but despised by others, the Redditor also admitted being very surprised by the amount of netizens who engaged in the thread.
Steve Jobs was a deadbeat dad, a spoiled child masquerading as an adult, a slave labor monster, and a borderline idiot.
“I think Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great come to mind when thinking of an ancient figure, as they were the reasons for many deaths and enslavement of their time,” the OP pointed out, providing names for who they think are considered great but are monsters.
“But I also think you have to look at it from the perspective of the time and in those times would he have been considered great, or a monster? I think the longer you go back in time and look at these historical figures, the more you see their greatness as opposed to their negatives,” they added.
I'm glad Doctor Phil is finally getting his comeuppance. He's said and done terrible things to people who needed real help for the sake of viewership and acts like he cares so much. Well, he doesn't.
Mufuggin Gandhi.
When Gandhi's wife was stricken with pneumonia, British doctors told her husband that a shot of penicillin would heal her; nevertheless, Gandhi refused to have alien medicine injected into her body, and she died.
Soon after, Gandhi caught malaria and, relenting from the standard he applied to his wife, allowed doctors to save his life with quinine. He also allowed British doctors to perform an appendectomy on him, an alien operation if ever there was one.
Also, he served on the British side in South Africa and earned a medal for valor.
Christopher Columbus.
Quick reminder, the imperialist and slave-holding nation of Spain sent him to prison once he got back from the new world because his monstrous brutality towards his slaves was too much even for them.
Talking about liking certain people, especially on a superficial level, Prof. Christopher J. Ferguson pointed out that we generally judge people by how they present themselves and, ultimately, how charming they are (which might not work with historical figures, as they can’t alter the way they present themselves anymore). And for the most part, that seems to work out fine, as—although we all engage in some "positive image management"—most people's outward personalities are reasonably representative of who they are.
However, according to the expert, some folks learn to game that system and purposefully present themselves in ways that will be attractive to others that don't necessarily represent who they truly are. “This may include insincere flattery, learning to be interesting and ‘cool’ or presenting oneself as a moral crusader,” he said.
Blows my mind that a good number of Americans still praise Ronald Reagan. He was a gd monster. He dismantled the mental health care system in California when he was governor and that had direct impacts on the growing homeless population.
Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Jehovah's Witness. I grew up in that cult and so many people I knew died from not getting blood transfusions.
John Lennon sang about peace and love and then went home and beat his wife and kid.
“In recent years, as victimhood has gained currency, presenting oneself as a ‘victim’ may also be a viable strategy for some [people],” Prof. Ferguson continued. “Such people may present leadership qualities without having the internal substance to back them up and their true purpose is less to guide others towards doing something useful as opposed to lining their own pockets.“
Personnel in HR Department. They’re not there for you. Don’t bother to report anything or it will backfire on you.
Keywords: Netizens | People | Famous people | Lifestyle | Human beings | Terrible humans | Bad characters | Actual monsters
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