"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

Categories: Animals | Positive

Cats love to be the center of attention! Moreover, they absolutely do not care what their owner is doing at this moment: sleeping, resting, working, eating… All attention should be devoted only to him! And even when the poor owner finally allocated time for himself and decided to calmly pick up the puzzle, the mustachioed tyrant still makes his own adjustments. Let's see how this usually happens.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

A "friendly" reminder that it's time to set priorities.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

What do you want?

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"Tessie is trying to look innocent after "helping" me put together a puzzle"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"Stop playing already, pay attention to me!"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"I'll just sit here and watch these annoying mice"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

You can't even think of a better place to sleep!

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

When the puzzle box is just the right size. Well, you know how cats love boxes!

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"For the first time after a 5-hour assembly of puzzles, I went to the shower. That's what I saw when I came back"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

It looks like she decided to become a part of the picture.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"I just started collecting puzzles, but it seems that the cat is against it"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"He's upset because I forbade him to eat the puzzle pieces"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

Guards so that no one touches it.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

Well, how can you disturb him?!

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"So that's why all my boxes are so crumpled!"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

But a second ago everything was neatly laid out here.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"The cat very kindly left me a place to work"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

Caught in the act.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

The predators went on the hunt for the surviving parts.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

The best place in the house.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"I have completed the puzzle to the end, and now my cat... no longer wants to lie on it!"

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

A very attentive assistant.

"Murzik, well, don't interfere!": 22 evidence that you can't solve puzzles with cats

"The logical conclusion of the rest for today"

Keywords: Animals | Positive | Pets | Funny | Animal selection | Cats | Humor | Puzzle

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