Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema

Fortunately, in the world of cinema, there are actors who can truly "chameleon", masterfully embodying completely different images. And the masters of make-up come to the aid of their acting talent. Here are some great examples of how the same actor has played several amazing roles in the same movie at once.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

In this film, the Australian actress played 13 (!) characters: a homeless man, a choreographer, a gallery curator, a TV presenter, a rock star, and so on.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

In the painting, Blanchett read monologues that were dedicated to the main manifestos of artists and that influenced the development of modern art.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The film's director, Julian Rosenfeld, thus explores whether the statements of creative people can be appropriate in everyday life.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The great American comedian played in the picture at the same time all the members of the troupe, the audience and even a monkey.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

In one of the scenes, he was even able to appear in nine roles at once-and this is seven decades before the appearance of special effects!

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The comic actor played in the film the leader of the fictional country of Tomania, Adenoid Hinkel, and an unnamed Jewish barber who tries to escape death under the fascist regime and, as a result of confusion, pushes a speech on behalf of the Fuhrer.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

It was easy for the audience to empathize with the second character — he was just the same "little man" who got into trouble, whom Chaplin played so perfectly all his life.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

In this drama, the heroine Davis kills a more successful sister in her personal life to make sure that someone else's personality does not bring happiness.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The scene where Davis stands with a gun behind the chair in which she is sitting is striking even now — so different do these two women played by the same actress seem.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

And in the film "Stolen Life" (1946) Davis played similar roles – also sisters, but in the film the girl pretends to be her relative, who actually died during a storm to get her husband.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

In the story, the prince of the fictional African country of Zamunda came to New York's Queens in search of a bride.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

It was important for the hero to find a woman who would love him for who he was.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

At the same time, Murphy played not only the prince, but also three other characters, including a non-black Jew.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

This is a film about twin brothers who are the same on the outside, but different on the inside. One is a self-doubting but talented loser, and the other is a less gifted but commercially more successful man.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The plot tells how one of the brothers, Charlie Kaufman, creates a film script based on the book "The Orchid Thief"by Susan Orleans. But in the process, he took the material too much to heart and began to go crazy.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

For Nicolas Cage, who played both brothers, the film was a rare departure in his current filmography from the garbage in which he is increasingly being filmed.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

And his nomination for the "Oscar" for the double role of Charlie and Donald Kaufman was the only one since his victory at the "Oscar" back in 1996.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The James Bond parody became one of the major comedic blockbusters of the turn of the century.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The actor played both the main character and his opponent Dr. Evil in the film, and in the sequels — Fat Bastard and Goldmember.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The trilogy, with its cheerful nostalgia for the 1960s and 1970s and reckless mockery of the cliches of the spy genre, became the pinnacle of the Canadian comedian's career and did a lot to sell the toilet humor wrapped in a beautiful wrapper to a wide audience around the world.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

When the film about the creation of Facebook was shot, Armie Hammer was almost an unknown actor, but his embodiment of both roles of the Winklevoss twins in the film by David Fincher fell in love with the audience instantly.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The brothers, according to the plot, are rich heirs and used to get everything without objection. And in the film, they sued Mark Zuckerberg for a future gold mine.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

And, interestingly, for these roles, the creators of the picture tried to find real twins and announced a nationwide search, but they could not find two completely identical brothers, besides actors.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Denis Villeneuve's film was quite modest in terms of budget. In the film, Adam, a history teacher crushed by a boring routine, discovers that he has a double, the actor Daniel.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Gyllenhaal was able to perfectly show the neuroticism of an ordinary person who does not understand what to do with the opportunities that open up before him, but is not ready to give them up.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Hardy played the Kray brothers, the gangsters who controlled London in the 1960s.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The two Tom Hardys are together in the same frame for almost the entire duration of the film and even fight with each other, and the viewer never forgets which of them is the married pragmatist Reggae, and who is the psychotic bisexual Ron.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Hardy managed to very subtly capture the line in which his characters are still similar as brothers, but each character develops in its own way. Reggie and Ronnie Kray in his performance walk, move, even look differently, and every detail emphasizes the identity of the hero.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Doug Kinney was born an ordinary child, but in his fourth decade of life he realized that he alone could not manage all his affairs and family concerns, so he agreed to the proposal of the geneticist who cloned him.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Michael Keaton has managed to give his characters different characteristics-especially the clone, who loves housekeeping and gradually acquires femininity in his behavior.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The actor is also good in episodes with the extravagant "rain man", as the fourth double of his companions is called.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The film essentially has three main characters, played by Ralph Fiennes-grandfather, father and son — three generations of the Jewish Sonnenschein family.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The actor showed three men at once, their three destinies, both similar and very different at the same time. The only thing that unites them is dignity and honor, which, as the film shows, adorns any life and any death.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

An unknown creature in the plot of the picture moves from life to life. It takes the form of a man, then a woman, then a young man, then a dying old man.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

He may turn out to be a beggar or a fabulous rich man, a cheat or a worthy family man. The hero of the film will be thrown through other people's lives, he will embrace other people's wives and children, kill other people's enemies, while being mortally alone.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

The hero of the film, Peter Sellers, suffered from depression and personality disorder for most of his professional career. The irony is that the actor, who played so many roles, had no idea about his place in life.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

Geoffrey Rush and director Stephen Hopkins showed the whole Sellers tragedy. Close to the legendary actor said that sometimes they could not distinguish Rush from his real prototype.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

One character, who has 24 personalities, was played by McAvoy so stunningly that millions of people around the world fell in love with him at once, and of both sexes.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

According to the plot, 23 personalities live inside Kevin Wendell Crumb, but the 24th one is about to wake up. However, the audience does not see all of them, but only seven — Dennis, Patricia, Hedwig, Barry, Orwell, Jade and the Beast.

Multiple Faces: 15 films in which actors appear in multiple roles

James McAvoy said that it was the opportunity to play a scattering of characters in one film that attracted him to the role. But the most difficult thing for him was Patricia, because – "how the hell do you move around in these high heels".

Keywords: Celebrities | Actors | Selection | Movies | Actresses | Characters | Roles

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