Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

Categories: Animals | Europe | World

A resident of Norway Frank Andre Soma (Frank Andre Soma) has 20 years experience in the natural Park Langedrag (Langedrag). Here a man has to care not only about the rabbits, the squirrels and other small animals, but also about the real predators, including wolves.

I think it's dangerous? But, no! Frank proved that at desire it is possible not only to make friends with wolves, and even become their leader! Read more about this below.

Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

43-year-old Frank Andre Soma starts his morning with a trip to the cage, where there live two wolves — Varg and Irgas. Male brings food to the animals, so they are always happily greeted him.

Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

Wolves have great respect for Frank, because take him for their leader.

To achieve such recognition, from the first days of life of ask and Embla, Ergas and Varga (before the wolves had four, but two died recently) the man lay down to sleep with them. It lasted for six weeks.

Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

Frank fed young cubs and warmed them with its warmth. Thus the man "you reeled him in confidence."

Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

As the wolves know Frank from birth, they see him as their "alpha male". Pets allowed him to wear them on his hands, playing with them and even to get closer to the trough.

Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

However, there were occasions when the wolves woke up in their animal instinct. Once the wolf Embla attack Frank, who entered the enclosure, but the other wolves quickly interceded for him.Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

The man says that the wolves are actually afraid of people, even more than people. The only one way to be intimate with the inhabitants of Langedrag — owner of the natural Park of Tuva Thorson and Frank.

Mowgli on the contrary: the Norwegian brought up the four wolves and became the "leader of the pack"

Frank now works in the bear Park, which is located a few hours drive from Oslo. Here he is trying to ingratiate himself to the three other wolves, but so far his attempts have not crowned success.

Would you dare to have a "friendship"?

Keywords: Wolf | Wolves | Wildlife | Reserve | Animals | Park | Pack | Predator

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