Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | Science

For many years we are actively taught that modern foods are insufficient, the content of useful substances. Because of this, our bodies supposedly have to be their replenishment with the help of special preparations. In addition, we are convinced that in spring and autumn, it is imperative to take vitamins to avoid deficiency.

You can continue infinitely, for beautiful hair and skin beauty vitamins for good study — complexes minerals for brain and so on. But scientists do not consider dietary Supplements and vitamin complexes necessary for the body, and advise caution follow the advice of "experts".

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

If you're tempted to follow the advice of the advertisement or recommendations more "experienced" friends, you should know some information, which is based on real research, not arguments, coined by marketers.

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

In the 1970-ies of the last century the name of Linus Polling was well known all over the world. This man received the Nobel prize twice — as an outstanding chemist and as a public figure. Needless to say that the authority of the scientist with such achievements were of iron and his ideas were not to be questioned.

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

In the morning, the Polling was added vitamin in orange juice and immediately feel the beneficial effects of this cocktail. As a result, the chemist just fell in love with vitamin C and began to convince everyone around that it is almost a panacea for all diseases, including AIDS. The authoritative expert has created a new niche in the market and the demand for vitamins began to grow at an incredible pace.

Very soon the futility of vitamin C in the prevention and treatment zaboleva have been scientifically proven, but it has not been able to stop the victorious procession of the miraculous pills on the planet. By 2016, the annual turnover of the market of dietary SUPPLEMENTS made up 132.8 billion dollars, and by 2022, analysts expect its growth to $ 220 billion.

Speaking the language understood by all, biologically active additives are substances used to promote health, and more specifically, to prevent disease, maintain immune system and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

As a rule, dietary Supplements include amino acids, antioxidants, probiotics, and vitamins and minerals in doses that are unable to affect the human body. We offer these products under various brands, in the form "complexes" beauty, products to enhance immunity, anti-aging capsules, weight-loss drugs, improve memory and performance.

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

If all the data is allowed in Russia, the drug is in the registry, Ministry of health, information about dietary Supplements can be found on the website of Rospotrebnadzor. Therefore, to distinguish the cure supplements, you should look for the name of the product in one or other register.

The effect of some components of dietary Supplements scientifically proven. For example, it is known that caffeine and creatine helps the body to withstand the load, which is important for people involved in sports or lead an active lifestyle. But the vast majority of the substances that make up dietary Supplements, at least useless, and sometimes dangerous to the body.

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

It is scientifically proven that collagen doesn't make the skin elastic, CoQ10 normalizes blood pressure, and omega-3 will not restore the heart and blood vessels. Even if these components helped, they just should not be in supplements in the adequate amount under the law. According to the official regulations, the content of substances sufficient to substantially affect the body in dietary Supplements is not allowed.

Registration and production of biologically active additives does not imply strict control, as in the case of medicines. Due to this, manufacturers of such products are very liberties with its composition. Often in dietary Supplements are added unverified or even forbidden components, without informing consumers on the label.

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

There is a so-called "black list" of Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA) where you can find dietary Supplements, containing such substances as the antidepressant fluoxetine, furosemide, a diuretic and a laxative phenolphthalein. Needless to say that each of them can harm health, especially if the user does not suspect about their presence in the drug.

Conducted independent testing has proven that the composition of dietary supplements is indicated on the label by the manufacturer are not always true. The average deviations in the descriptions observed in 38% of cases. Additionally, it was revealed that some dietary Supplements contain elements and substances, which should not even be in them, for example, lead and heavy metal salts.

In some cases, the vitamins are very important and without them you can not do. This need may occur during pregnancy or in the process of rebuilding after suffering a serious illness. It is important to take vitamins and if the person is on a strict diet. But in all these cases, prescribe medication the doctor, based on the test results.

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

Take Supplements without any reason just because it is spring or autumn, doctors strongly do not recommend. Seasonal vitamin deficiency, which we are afraid of the dietary supplements is simply not there, and self-appointing themselves BAD, you can get something other than what is indicated in the annotation on the label or in the instructions.

Experts recommend replacing multivitamins and dietary supplements a full-fledged diet, consisting of high-quality and rich in nutrients products. Consumption of sufficient quantities of such foods as fruit, vegetables, dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, legumes, nuts, grains eliminates the need to enter into the body something to maintain their health and improve well-being.

Unfortunately, around of our health created many myths, many of which are not only empty our pockets, but also pose a serious threat. In this regard, you need to be careful and trust the official information from the scientists, not the advertising and the advice of friends.

Keywords: Vitamin deficiency | Vitamins | Supplements | Research | Medicine | Deception | Danger

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