Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Categories: History

Beauty contests are known from ancient times — many cities, towns, countries and peoples was elected the beauty Queen, pushing her to be their representative. But what about those who at this moment, because of the circumstances, was far from home, but involved in it wanted any way. So there miss "a Russian colony".

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

A little Preface about the Russian emigration. EN masse, it began in the 19th century. On the eve of the First World war in France was officially registered 35 016 "subjects of the Russian crown", and after the October revolution in Paris only lived 45 thousand.

Russian emigration in Paris is a very special phenomenon. There was a Russian emigre Committee which entered into negotiations with the League of Nations on the situation of Russian refugees living not only in France but also in other countries. In Paris opened a secondary and higher educational institutions: the Higher Technical Institute, the Higher Russian school of social Sciences, Russian departments at the Sorbonne and Theological Institute, which was established in the year of the opening of the St. Sergius monastery (1925).

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

And of course this number of residents, the Russians could not not choose their Queen, especially against the background of fashionable Paris beauty contests

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

The idea of holding, under the auspices of the magazine "Illustrated Russia" beauty contest among Russian immigrants has arisen from the fact that among the "Russian colony" had a lot of Russian models and models. Since 1926 the competition was held, which was originally called "Miss Russian colony", and then in 1929 — "Miss Russia".

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Thus for three consecutive years in 1926, 1927 and 1928 our darling was crowned the ephemeral crown of the "Queen of the Russian colony". Then, starting in 1929, she began to get more democratic, but also more responsible the title of "Miss Russia".

Part, not to mention the victory in this contest was very honorable. Girls ascended to heaven, entered into the most elite parts of the Russian emigration, the competition was attended by Vinnie leaders, philanthropists and leaders of the Russian emigration.

Girls were evaluated by a 20-point scale, the jury looked at the features of the face, head carriage, figure, gait, manners of every girl.

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1926, the first Queen of the Russian colony in Paris was Larisa Popova

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1927 was elected the new Queen of the Russian colony in Paris — 19-year-old Kuban Cossack Kira Sklyarova N. (center). And the future Queen of 1928, the year the model of the fashion house Lanvin, Nina (nick) N. Severskaya (after marriage Duvan) is second from the left.

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Miss Russia 1929 Valentina Osterman

In 1929 the first title "Miss Russia" first received 18-year-old native of Rostov-on-don Valentina K. Osterman, but she was later convicted of fraud — her passport was not Russian, but German, and it was strictly forbidden by the terms of the contest. thus, Osterman has lost the title, and her place was taken by 16-year-old Irina Levitskaya. It is noteworthy that this moment only increased the attention to Osterman, it became popular and started to appear in films.

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Irina Levitskaya

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

The title of "Miss Russia, 1930" has won 18-summer Irina Wenzel (Wentzel).

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Born in Yessentuki, her father was the Kutaisi Vice-Governor, after his death, fled with his brother and mother, was recognized as the most beautiful reader of "the Illustrated Russia"

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Participants Of "Miss Russia" 1930

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

The Crown "Miss Russia"

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1931 the title of "Miss Russia" was awarded to Marina F. Chaliapin, the daughter of the famous singer Fyodor Shalyapin

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In Paris, Marina studied dance at Studio Mathilde Kschessinska performed on evenings and concerts

Many years later, Marina admitted that participation in this competition was for her shame — she is not beautiful, but a dancer, but not the most beautiful woman of Russia — "Yes I'm a real Scarecrow" (s). Moreover, it was chosen before the competition, she knew about it, but was forced, at the insistence of his mother, to participate in the contest, in which all, but she knew that the winner already chosen.

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1932, the title of "Miss Russia" was won by 19-year-old Nina Paul.

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1933, at the contest "Miss Russia" was won by 19-year-old Tatiana Maslova, who became the first Russian beauty who won international beauty contest Miss Europe 1933.

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Maslova — the daughter of an officer of the black sea fleet, who was shot during the Civil war in the South of Russia

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1934 the title of "Miss Russia" won the 18-year-old Ekaterina S. Antonov

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

She was born in 1916 in Terioki near Petrograd, emigrated, worked as a dressmaker.

Interesting letter to the editor:

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1935, at the contest "Miss Russia" was won by Marianne B. Gorbatovskaya, the daughter of the hostess of an Atelier of lingerie in Paris

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1936, "Miss Russia" becomes 18-year-old Ariadna A. Gedeonov

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

While still a child she came to Egypt, he was educated in the French convent. Lived in Cairo.

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1937 the title of "Miss Russia" received Irina Nikolaevna ilina, the daughter of a Russian Navy officer. In 1921 his parents were evacuated to Tunisia. After 1925 lived in Paris, worked as a fashion model

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

In 1938, at the contest "Miss Russia" was won by 24-year-old Evgeny Dashkevich, mannequin

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

Her family after the revolution, settled in Germany, and in 1929 moved to France.

Miss "Russian colony": how emigration chose their beauty Queens

The last winner of the Paris contest "Miss Russia" became in 1939 17-year-old Irina Borodulin. She was fond of Russian and French literature, dance and dreamed of becoming an artist.

Keywords: 20th century | 20s | 30s | Beauty contest | Russian immigrants

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