Miracle remedy - Amosov paste: how to cook and consume correctly

We are sure that you have already heard about the benefits of Amosov paste. This is a vitamin mixture, which was once invented by the famous Ukrainian cardiac surgeon Nikolai Amosov. The product contains 7 ingredients — dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, walnuts, lemon and honey.

All of them are useful in themselves, but together they work real miracles! How to cook the legendary pasta and to whom and how to use it, read in our material.

Miracle remedy - Amosov paste: how to cook and consume correctly

Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov (1913 — 2002) — a world-renowned Ukrainian cardiac surgeon, who is also known as a philosopher and writer. He talked a lot about human health, and how it affects his whole life. A sick person will never be able to feel fully happy, therefore, according to the doctor, the physical component had a very important role in determining the general condition.

Miracle remedy - Amosov paste: how to cook and consume correctly

And it is nutrition that largely affects health — "a person is what he eats." So Amosov developed a unique vitamin paste that improved immunity, strengthened blood vessels and positively affected the work of the heart. The basis of the "miracle remedy" included dried fruits and nuts, because according to the doctor's observations, these products contributed to the rapid recovery of patients after heart surgery.

As you have already understood, Amosov paste has a positive effect on the whole body as a whole. Therefore, it can be used both for the treatment of diseases and for prevention purposes. However, for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, Amosov paste simply must be present in the daily diet! According to the doctor's observations, this product significantly accelerated the recovery process of sick patients.

Miracle remedy - Amosov paste: how to cook and consume correctly

The main properties of the paste:

The paste contains a large amount of vitamin C, so it also contributes to the rapid absorption of iron. And the best part is that it is quite tasty, unlike other heart health products. It can be consumed together with tea as an alternative to jam. Even children will like this miracle remedy. The main thing is to prepare the pasta correctly so that it retains its unforgettable taste and its unique healing properties.

The classic Amosov pasta recipe includes 7 ingredients — dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, walnuts, lemon and natural honey. Modern recipes can also include ginger, various nuts and dried fruits. But we recommend starting with the "classics", because it was this remedy that was so praised by the doctor, who, by the way, lived up to 89 years!

Miracle remedy - Amosov paste: how to cook and consume correctly

To make pasta, you will need all of the above ingredients in the following proportions:

All of the above should be thoroughly washed and filled with water for several hours (preferably overnight). When the time has passed, drain the water and dry the ingredients.

Miracle remedy - Amosov paste: how to cook and consume correctly

Next, all dried fruits need to be crushed — for this you can use a blender or a meat grinder. After that, peel and chop the nuts. Wash the lemon and also send it to a blender, after removing all the bones.

At the end, combine everything and mix thoroughly. Amosov's pasta is ready! It should be stored in the refrigerator for up to several months.

To get the most out of this "miracle remedy", you need to follow the recommendations for its use. Amosov advised to eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture 3 times a day, until the pasta runs out. It is best to do this after eating to avoid stomach irritation. Children should be given 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon of pasta per day, depending on age.

Miracle remedy - Amosov paste: how to cook and consume correctly

For maximum effect, you need to take such vitamin courses at least once a year, and preferably two. For example, in spring, when the body wakes up after winter, and in autumn — during the period of cold weather and viruses.

Also, taking such a paste will help you recover faster after an illness or surgery. If the body is weakened or the person is often ill, the duration of the course can be extended to 6 months.

There are practically no contraindications to this paste, except that individual intolerance to individual ingredients. Therefore, if you are allergic to honey or nuts, unfortunately, you will have to refrain from eating pasta.

Miracle remedy - Amosov paste: how to cook and consume correctly

Also, pasta can be dangerous for people with diabetes. Before taking the paste, they should consult with their doctor.

Everyone else can safely use this miracle product, charging your body with vitamins and energy!

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