Male beauty standards in different countries
Categories: World
By Pictolic Englishman, a German and a Russian meet... No, this is not the beginning of another joke, but a rough description of a video shot by the BuzzFeed portal. In it, the authors tried to explore the geography of male beauty. The clip turned out to be beautiful, but not very informative. We decided to expand on the topic.
To understand how popular Australian men are, just look at the ratings of the sexiest actors - the Australian Hemsworth brothers are always in the top ten. Sculpted muscles and six-pack abdominals are a must-have for those who spend most of their lives on the beach. Australian men do not hesitate to visit cosmetologists and even plastic surgeons - rhinoplasty, facelift and ear correction are not uncommon on the Green Continent. The average height of an Australian is 175 cm.
In Korea, as well as China and Japan, the standards of male beauty are set by pop culture, amazing and shocking. Here, a man’s cosmetic bag weighs no less than a woman’s, and this does not raise unnecessary questions. Lip gloss, eyebrow gel and even BB cream are actively used by the average young Korean. Among other signs: neat hairstyles, reminiscent of a woman’s pixie haircut, and, most importantly, no beard - thin Asians did not support this global trend. Plastic surgery is held in high esteem: eye enlargement, getting rid of the “third eyelid”, injections - the arsenal of male procedures is growing every year.
And although Bollywood in every possible way glorifies the image of a strong, masculine male, the Indian man is literally obsessed with “jars” - 65% of all men's cosmetics are sold here and in nearby regions. Whitening creams and hair care products are particularly successful. In recent years, Indians have been experimenting not only with hairstyles, but also with hair color.
In our country, a handsome man is a strong man. In every sense of the word. Not only slanting fathoms in the shoulders, but also a stable position in society. And also blond hair and eyes, big hands, a confident gait - this is roughly the ideal of beauty that Russian women describe. Things are still complicated for our men with cosmetics: while fashionable barber shops are opening one after another in the capital, in the regions it is still indecent to moisturize your lips with balm (at least in public). Not to mention mattifying powder or, say, facial peeling. What domestic men are willing to spend time and money on are shaving products, perfumes and oral care.
The French's reputation as experienced seducers also affects their appearance - in general, they always look well-groomed and stylish. It’s not just about hairstyle and neat unshavenness; the French pay close attention to the little things: for example, they regularly go for teeth whitening, get a manicure, and use eye drops. As for clothing, a significant place in the wardrobe of the average French resident is given to accessories: scarves, scarves, gloves, hats and glasses. Hence the feeling of thoughtfulness of the image.
If in Asian countries light skin is a cult, then in England the opposite is true. The most popular procedure among men is self-tanning. Foggy Albion has not been spared by the fashion for the main masculine “attribute” of our time - the beard. Although, according to surveys, English women prefer men with “soft” faces: without a massive lower jaw, thin, clean-shaven, with medium-sized lips. David Beckham is perhaps the canonical example of English male beauty. By the way, tattoos are another “fad” of the Englishman. Every fifth resident of the country has drawings on their bodies.
“The main thing is that the suit fits” - this is the real credo of the Italians, passionate lovers of fashion, expensive fabrics and interesting prints. Italian men love and know how to take care of themselves, without losing their masculinity and remaining attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. In Italian there is even a special term “sprezzatura”, which can be roughly translated as the ability to pay attention to details as if by chance, with irony, so that everyone has a feeling of unbearable lightness and carelessness.
Metrosexuals have been replaced by Lambersexuals. From the English “lumbersexual” - so to speak, “sexual lumberjack”. Lumbersexuals are powerful guys, with a toned torso that leaves no hint of androgyny, tattooed and - of course! - bearded. The thicker the better. Plus a checkered shirt, straight jeans and a hoodie - this is how not only the Utah State Rangers now look, but also the inhabitants of Manhattan.
The typical Brazilian is a mix of the most attractive features borrowed from different nations. Olive skin is the heritage of the Portuguese, light eyes are the heritage of the Germans. Brown hair combined with tanned skin, “six-pack abs” as an obligatory part of the image (how else can you shine on the beaches of Copacabana when you are only wearing shorts and a baseball cap?), nose, ears and lips carefully adjusted by a surgeon. If you are in Rio de Janeiro, notice how cool the local men look compared to the local women, who are very friendly with cellulite and excess weight, but are not shy about wearing crop tops and miniskirts. Brazilian guys are enamored with curvaceous figures, and this is another undeniable plus for their tanned, sculpted karma.
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