Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema | World

The actress, whose popularity today is experiencing its second heyday, famous not only for brilliant roles in films, and busy personal lives. However, few people know what drama had to endure Elena Proklova.

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

She first came to the set a little naive girl. Before approving the 12-year-old Lena in the role of charismatic pioneer in the film "Call, open the door," Alexander Mitta reviewed nearly ten thousand Soviet girls! Not finding among them the heroine, the Director of metal thunder and lightning. After the next scene, the assistant Director Viktor Proklov said ironically: "Well, what am I now, a granddaughter to you the message?"

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

Lena gave the impression of a modest and artless child, but the entire crew noticed her extraordinary endurance and strong character. Their girl tempered professional sports: by the time Lena was already a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The coaches predicted her high achievements, but fate had young Proklova other plans.

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

She Proklova remembers his first love with tenderness, not to mention about the intimate details of the relationship with Oleg Tabakov. Elena was barely 16, Oleg Pavlovich — 34 when Alexander Mitta approved both the role in the film "Gori, Gori, Moya Zvezda". Rumor has it that there between the actors began a passionate affair and tobacco seduced young Proklova.

She protests, claiming that rumors about the personal life of a minor actress and has a Mature, big-name actor prevented the continuation of their relationship. But recognizes that tobacco became her first true love, taught to feel and won her heart with the place for life.

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

And married Elena will be released in 17. The idea of marriage visited the girl during the preparations for the wedding of his brother. The actress was involved in organising the celebrations with the future daughter-in-law and suddenly she wanted to try on a wedding dress. Then young man Proklova — friend of her brother Vitaly Melik-Karamov loved parents. The blessing was received. The wedding of my sister and brother Proklova played in one day.

Elena plunged into family life, being a first-year student of the school-Studio MXAT. The husband from the first day began to insist on the birth of children, and in 18 years, the actress gave birth to a daughter Arina. At that time, Proklova has received a lot of proposals about the shoot and worked hard. A daughter she left in the care of parents, and she was constantly on the set.

By the way, the daughter with this assertion. Husband of Proklova established in the family, the traditional Patriarchal system and tried to get my wife to do the house and children and not a career. Once, during a family quarrel he gave me an ultimatum.

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

Start a new serious relationship after a failed marriage Proklova was in no hurry. But men constantly notice her. It seemed that the charm of the actress was struck by the most talented actors, fans literally would not let her pass.

For example, took the lead role in "Be my husband" Andrei Mironov was chosen for a partner for the film itself, and his choice fell on Proklova. Trying to take care of the actress, he suddenly found that, she spun an affair with the father participated in the filming of the boy Philip — the artist-designer Alexander Adamovich.

For Proklova married Adamovich left the family. They lived together for two years, after which it is the duty of the husband and father returned the artist to his wife-the Frenchwoman, and two children. Soon Elena found out about the death of a lover. In her circle still say: "Adamovich died of longing for Lena."

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

For his second official husband Proklova for a long time treated only as an obsessive fan. He really was first impressed by her acting talent, I gifted flowers was waiting at the exit from the theater, what caused only irritation of the actress. But for as much as ten years firmly believed that it was "his" woman and that they will be together.

As time went on, had grown up daughter. One day Arina was in the hospital with a disappointing diagnosis of a baby ulcer. Someone of the colleagues gave Helena the address of a famous doctor Alexander Deryabin. Elena immediately went to him. What was her amazement when the door was opened by the most persistent suitor.

First went to the amendment Arina, and then crazy passion broke out between Sasha and Lena. They soon married, but Arina stepfather disliked: he put her on a tasteless diet, what kind of child will love a doctor like that, Sasha?!

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

Marriage with Alexander Deryabin was the beginning of the drama, which will force Elena to leave the scene for eight long years. But the start was good: the couple immediately began to think about the baby. Spouses happiness knew no bounds, when it became clear that Proklova pregnant once with twins! But both boys were born painful. They died almost immediately after birth.

Elena fell into a hopeless depression, she didn't see in life any sense. Proklova thought that God thus punishes her for her earlier came to success and popularity.

Instead of being beside his wife, Deryabin kept to myself, too. Later Elena say that if they were both to go grief, and strong family ties and proximity at that time, they have not yet amassed. The lost children ended in divorce.

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

For calm Elena went to her brother. After some time, she had to take a guest. One brother eight years younger than Proklova struck her at first sight. The next day after meeting Andrei Trishin drew her with him to Petersburg, and then to a long, happy life.

However, it began difficult. Uncany marriage ordinary Builder and a famous actress was called a misunderstanding. Daughter's new stepfather seemed too young — he was only 25, the girl did not accept him. But that was not the worst. The black strip that began for Elena in the previous marriage continued and in the present.

The result is a long-awaited pregnancy came to light weak boy who spent a week in a special box, and then died suddenly. This time the words of comfort found. The tragedy has United the spouses and forced to fight for the family fortune. But the next pregnancy brought Proklova in the hospital for six months, a medical mistake stripped a couple to have another baby.

For forty years, the actress breaks all contracts and taken seriously for their health. On the decision to retire from films and theater, she will never regret. But careful examination will reveal the cause of the tragedies: Lena is too thick blood, which just passes through the placenta, which hinders the development of a fetus.

Love, loss and retreat: personal drama Elena Proklova

The duration of the next pregnancy Elena spent in the hospital. Withstood 700 shots in the stomach, required for blood thinners and passing are vital to fetal elements, gave birth to a charming girl Polina. Eight years have not worked in full force. For the first six withdrew from the environment acting and devoted herself to her family.

In the beginning Proklova went back to acting, back to work and got on TV as the leading. Now her career is successful again. All would be nothing, if a year ago the media announced the divorce actress with her husband. In front of the camera said that after thirty years of marriage, they have cooled to each other, and predicted ex-husband's new family.

Fortunately, even after an official divorce Andrew accepted the decision of the wife as another windy whim. And six months after the breakup, persuaded Helen to return to him. Proklova admitted that they're back together and that the divorce helped them to breathe new life into their marriage.

Keywords: Actress | Biography | Drama

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