Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Categories: Asia | Design and Architecture | Society

In modern Japan, love hotels are a slave to khotehr is an integral part of any major settlement. According to statistics, there are about 35 thousand of these establishments, and every day they are visited by hundreds of thousands of Japanese. It's safe to say that these hotels are one of the symbols of the culture of the Country of the rising sun, but not the Japanese their purpose is quite difficult to understand.

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Many visitors perceive the love hotels as home visits, where the Japanese were secretly hooking up with prostitutes and mistresses. It is not — among the guests the servant-the khotehr is, this category of clients, but their percentage is not great. Most rooms in hotels are rented to couples and young people — that is, those who particularly have nothing to hide. Addicted to love hotels developed from the Japanese for centuries, and their very appearance caused by the peculiarities of life of the people of this country.

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Traditional Japanese house does not have sex

In Japanese homes and apartments have very small area and construction of walls and ceilings made of light materials. Privacy to have sex in this house, given the fact that with a young family often live with their parents and sometimes even grandparents, is not easy. This applies to the present day, a hundred years ago things were even worse in houses with walls of wood and paper, even bedrooms were shared and all were laid on the mattresses laid out in a row on the floor.

In this regard, Japanese couples, like in the old days and our days to be alone, you have to go to a special hotel to enjoy the tranquility and each other. Slave-the khotehr was in Japan, but the heyday of this kind of business is reached after the Second World war. Large cities such as Tokyo, Yokohama and Osaka was seriously damaged by American bombing and most of the hotels didn't work.

Park Inokashira — there was always plenty of places to

To solve their problems, the lovers took a fancy for a date certain parks and squares. In Tokyo, such places were the Park Inokashira Onsi Cohen (granted by the Emperor Park Inokashira) and Park near the Imperial Palace. Also, there are tiny home the "bijinesu the khotehr" — business hotels. The so-called business, when the family who had a spare room, handed her lovers or prostitutes.

Later, when city of Japan began to rebuild, there were hotels for meetings "tsurikomi the poisonous materials UV free no", which sprang up like mushrooms after rain. They can be found anywhere — in the historical and industrial areas, on large motorways, on country roads and even in the mountains. Together with these institutions began to flourish, and the sex industry. But the country was not destined to retain legal prostitution in 1958, the corrupt love was officially banned.

Police raids, with raids on prostitutes and their clients was hit by the business houses dates and no places for privacy was not only confused, but also many couples. Therefore, institutions have changed the format and began to open up as a "moteru", that is the Motel. When we hear about a Motel, we present a place of lodging for weary truckers or students with backpacks, but in Japanese this word is quite different, voluptuous Association.

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

In our day, the annual income of a Japanese servant-the khotehr is more than $ 40 billion. This is almost two times higher than the income of other profitable industry of anime. Competition among the love hotels are just huge, so their owners do not skimp invest in interior design and acquire special equipment.

The modern servant-the khotehr is a real godsend for those who are trying to resist the routine in the relationship. Among the institutions you can find hotels with the most unusual services. Want to spend a night of love in the Royal bedchamber? Or maybe you always wanted to have sex in the subway? And I do not want to quench the passion in the classroom? The Japanese are great entertainers in terms of sex, but considering the interiors of the rooms of love hotels still marvel at their imagination.

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Here is such a class for lovers of role-playing games

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Sex in the subway? Please!

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

I don't even want to know what fantasies visit this room

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Retro wash. Is there any such desires?

Hello Kitty!

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Ward for violent or limousine?

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Levitating love seat

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

Here guys!

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

A hospital room waiting for the patient and the attending physician

Love hotels in Japan: how it began and what has become

This is for fans of maximum the exotic. Can someone lacks of this kind of situation?

In General, it is clear that the love hotels are a vivid illustration of the proverb "the taste and color". By the way, lately servant to khotehr used for other purposes. Due to the fact that staying overnight at a love hotel is cheaper than the usual hotel in 1,5−2 times, the rooms are often booked by travelers to just sleep.

Keywords: The brothel | Hotel | Motel | Japan

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