Love for all ages: a student fell in love with a teacher for 27 years her senior

Love for all ages: a student fell in love with a teacher for 27 years her senior

Categories: Positive | Society | World

This couple met online and bonded over the love of philosophy. Now they are in a relationship and claim love for all ages — though their parents, this statement does not agree.

Love for all ages: a student fell in love with a teacher for 27 years her senior

A little over three years ago the then 18-year-old John Leonhardt stumbled upon a YouTube channel of 45-year-old philosophy Professor Peter Heinrich. Starting to watch his videos, she soon realized that this man she is attracted to. Then the girl wrote Peter an email, telling about himself and added that he would be happy to talk to him about philosophy.

Love for all ages: a student fell in love with a teacher for 27 years her senior

Love for all ages: a student fell in love with a teacher for 27 years her senior

After Peter answered the first letter Yana, they spent three months exchanging messages, and then moved on to FaceTime, which talked for hours. Eventually they decided that it was time to meet, and in December 2017 Peter broke about 400 kilometers to reach Yana from Frankfurt, Germany. For Yana it was love at first sight, but Peter was confused at first impressive age difference.

However, after two years they finally announced their relationship officially. Last year Ian moved out from my parents, and she and Peter were able to see each other more often — then they told all of friends and parents.

Love for all ages: a student fell in love with a teacher for 27 years her senior

Jan and Peter together on the blog in Instagram, where they continue to prove that love submissive all ages.

Keywords: Age | Love | Student | Teacher

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