Lord of the closet and sex fantasies
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/lord-of-the-closet-and-sex-fantasies.html28 February 1935, American chemist Wallace Hume of Carothers with a group of like-minded people created new synthetic fiber, which is called nylon.
In 1939, in new York, an event occurred that shaped largely the lives of several generations of the fair sex. World famous DuPont chemical company presented a new synthetic material — nylon. Less than a year, as appeared in the sale of nylon stockings and past favorites technically imperfect silk stockings — retreated under the onslaught of a powerful advertising campaign, manufacturer sensational innovations. The slogan reads: "Wear stockings of silk, but not nylon is still to prefer the horse to the car." How could a woman resist?
Since then it has passed more than 80 years, and stockings and now occupy an important place in women's wardrobes and fantasies of men.
Sale of nylon stockings in Washington, 1945. Photo: Bettmann / CORBIS
Invented Wallace Carothers (1896-1937) nylon made a breakthrough in the textile industry. As a result, the company DuPont, a staff member who was a scientist, contributing to billions of dollars. Unlike silk, nylon stockings well stretched, does not lose shape, do not slip and do not wince, received the frost and humidity.
UK, 1938. Photo: Hulton-Deutsch Collection / CORBIS
Factory workers in the British Hertfordshire personally tested products. Technologist Squirting stockings water, to ensure that the moisture does not harm them.
New York, Fifth Avenue. Photo: Bettmann / CORBIS
In 1940, in new York city in just one day sale American girls snapped up five million pairs of nylon stockings.
United States, 1940. Photo: Underwood Archives / UIG / REX / FOTODOM
During the war, stockings disappeared from the market. Production could not cope with the excess demand.
1940. Photo: Hulton-Deutsch Collection / CORBIS
During the military deficit resourceful woman found an easy alternative missing of sales of stockings: they drew the "arrows" on bare feet, creating the illusion of stockings.
After the Second world war, the women breathed a sigh of relief: their favorite nylon is back on the shelves! Photo: Bettmann / CORBIS
Atlantic city, 1949. Photo: Bettmann / CORBIS
New automatic machines for the sale of nylon stockings is brilliant, decided ladies.
Although nylon stockings were twice as expensive silk, the demand for them has surpassed all expectations. Photo: Bettmann / CORBIS
September 1955: technology at work. Photo: Hulton-Deutsch Collection / CORBIS
April 1949. Photo: Kurt Hutton / Picture Post / Getty Images / Fotobank
The American explained in detail why nylon is not less important for humanity than inventions such as the internal combustion engine, radio and telephone.
1950‑ies, USA. Photo: Mondadori Portfolio / Getty Images / Fotobank
Men also stockings liking.
Paris, 1954. Photo: AFP
Brigitte Bardot and Tilda Tamar demonstrate stockings in a shop window in Paris.
Washington, 1946. Photo: Bettmann / CORBIS
The production of nylon stockings rose to 54 million pairs per month in 1946. Those who didn't — who are to blame!
New York, 1942. Photo: Charles Kenneth Lucas / AP
Keywords: History | Girls | Fashion | Wardrobe | Stockings | Sex fantasy
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