Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Categories: Nature | Photo project

Works by the Sicilian artist Filippo Ioco with a double bottom. At first glance, it seems that this is an ordinary landscape, but if you look very closely, you can find a model, while completely naked…

To work on his large-scale project "Landscapes", photographer and master of body art Filippo Yoko first makes up models for several hours, and then carefully "introduces" them into the landscape and takes pictures. This is a real game of hide and seek with the audience, in which a person literally merges with nature. Not everyone can see the chameleon models at first glance. Can you find them in the photo?

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Filippo Yoko was born in Palermo in Sicily, grew up in the United States and graduated from the world-famous Academy of Visual Arts in New York. Using an incredible combination of body and land art, the master explores human sexuality and our connection to nature.

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

The idea of the project "Landscapes" is that real art should not contrast with nature, but, on the contrary, should merge with it into one harmonious whole. Nude models covered with special paint are indistinguishable from rocky cliffs, sandy beaches and green forests.

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

All images are the fruit of long and painstaking work: it usually takes a photographer from one to eight hours to create a single frame. Filippo Yoko has traveled extensively, working on the project, photographing in Puerto Rico, Italy and California, and plans to visit Alaska and Antarctica.

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Look for a woman: nude models blend in with the landscape

Keywords: Nature | Landscape | Nude | Artist | Sex | Disguise | Photo project | Camouflage | 18+

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