Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

Categories: Life hacks

No wonder they say that mother laziness is the engine of progress. In a subconscious desire to make a minimum of movements and save more energy, lazy people sometimes intuitively come up with wonderful ways to make life easier. In this issue, there are tricks that can be learned from the lazy.

(19 photos in total)

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

1. Brush your teeth right in the shower.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

2. Buy socks of only one color.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

3. Have more pairs of underwear than days a year. Preferably dark.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

4. Wear as much dark underwear as possible.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

5. Use only one button of the microwave — the one that turns it on for 30 seconds.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

6. Wash clothes only in cold water so that it can not be sorted.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

7. Sleep in the same T-shirt that you put on today.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

8. Close the bread bags only by twisting and bending. No messing with clothespins.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

9. Wear only the clothes that can be pulled off or pulled on.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

10. There is over the sink. And don't wash the dishes.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

11. To relieve a small need while sitting. Firstly, sitting is more pleasant than standing. Secondly, cleanliness in the toilet will last much longer.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

12. Have a lot of charging. One was plugged into a computer, the other into an outlet, and you never need to transfer anything.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

13. Discover a slow cooker.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

14. And also buy a bunch of strange gadgets and coasters so that everything can be done lying down.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

15. Leave things in the suitcase after the trip. What's wrong with the closet?

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

16. Attach Velcro to the sheet and mattress so that you don't have to fix the bed.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

17. Buy ugg boots. Yes, they look lousy, but these are the laziest shoes on earth.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

18. Learn to lift things off the floor with your foot. Anything that you can't lift with your foot, you don't need.

Life hacks that lazy people gave to the world

19. Eat fruit directly with stickers. Okay, this is too much.

Keywords: Laziness | Cunning

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