Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

Categories: Positive | Travel

Everyone has heard about strange American laws, miraculously preserved since the days of the pioneers. However, this is not the only country with a bright sickly colour. Trade with the pirates, witchcraft and lewd behavior at the funeral — no, not the names of the missions in any online game, and things that in Australia you can get a decent fine or even a prison sentence. So, what is there not to do?

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

To sell or rent a refrigerator

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

It is, of course, not any refrigerators, but only those whose volume exceeds 42,5 liters. A unit to sell, even rent can not. What can you sell or rent, he's gotten rid of something problematic, you should first remove all doors and lids.

As with any rule, there are exceptions. If the fridge was manufactured and imported into South Australia before 1962 or if each door opens easily from the inside of the refrigerator — do with it what you want. In all other cases for operations with heavy freezer appliances will have to pay $ 750.


In Australia, participants in all 18 seasons of "the battle of psychics" would be a little poorer. Penalty of 800 dollars is entitled to those who use magic to search for stolen or lost property. Also the penalty for fraud, posing as magicians and sorcerers.

Vacuuming at night

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

We have this law will not seem so ridiculous, especially to the residents of panel houses.

In Australia breaking the silence all strictly decided to embark on the fight against dirt from 22:00 to 7:00 on weekdays and from 22:00 to 9:00 on weekends, please pay $ 120. If the violation is repeated, then each day will receive a fine of $ 30. There is a condition — noise is found to be illegal only if it can be heard in another apartment/house, irrespective of, whether there are open Windows or doors.

Lie about birth, death, marriage or new job

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

Publicly, of course. Can be illuminated about data in the newspaper, online, radio or TV, otherwise you will not get a fine — punishable up to 6 months in prison.

To cause rain

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

Professional shamans in Australia is nothing to do for the challenge of the rain and any magical operation with the change of weather faces a fine of $ 1,000 or even a year of imprisonment. The court should be fun!

To carry more than 50 kg of potatoes

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

The fact that Western Australia's well-developed potato growing, there is also a Corporation for the sale of this vegetable. Staff screening can stop any car and check, whether you're taking potatoes. If Yes and more than 50 kg, cook $ 2000, and for repeated violation — $ 5,000.

To harness to a cart goat or dog

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

Apart from the fact that these animals cannot be used as a thrust, they are not allowed to bind to vehicles in public places. If the temptation is too great and the urine is not how I want to tie a goat or a dog to his car or even ride in a sleigh pulled by unhappy animals, useful $ 800 — that is how much you will require local cops.

Playing games, annoying people

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

In Russia, this law is not exactly a place, otherwise all the children playing in the yards into balls, plunged to his parents in a debt pit. In Australia we are talking primarily about the kite flying in public places (what did they do?), and any other annoying games. A $ 500 fine.

Conspire with the pirates

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

And also trade with them and supply the ammunition. The law was passed in 1958, but still has power and implies very serious punishment — till 10 years of prison.

To sing obscene songs

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

Of course, in the case that someone will hear and report to the appropriate authorities. In communicating with other people also, don't use obscene words or gestures — such freedom threatens to fine. If bawdy song she breaks from your lips, and the stranger and asks that some knight in a nutshell put him in his place, cook for 10 thousand dollars if you're lucky. If not ahead of imprisonment for 2 months. Repeated offenses can land you in jail for six months.

Leave the machine open

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

Indiscretion is punishable by a decent penalty — $ 800. Probably, this is the way the local police is the prevention of theft.

To disturb the pigeons

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

Here with the authorities of Australia, it's hard not to agree — pigeons need to be protected. Anyone who is hurt, caught, killed (God forbid) or just touch smart bird, received a fine of $ 250.

Stuck in a wedding or funeral

Lies, purchase, and another 11 things banned in Australia

To interfere with the conduct of weddings or funerals, and to disturb the ceremony was not only tactless, but also expensive. You can get a fine of 10 thousand dollars or even 2 years in prison.

Keywords: Australia | Laws | Ban | Fines

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