Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

Categories: Technology

Velkam tu Saibiria, Marty. The presentation is coming very soon.

(Total of 9 photos)

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garageSource:

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

1. Hoverboards. The years go by, and we all dream about them.

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

2. Lexus seems to be trying to create something similar, but it is still far from real success.

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

3. It is not even necessary to talk about these "hoverboards".

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

4. Thank God, Russia has its own inventors. One of them is a resident of Krasnoyarsk Anton Fokin. He makes his own, domestic hoverboard. It will look like this.

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

5. The photo of the prototype of "Anyuta", of course, is cool, but in fact the hoverboard will be oh-oh-very big.

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

6. The dimensions of the board are clearly impressive. As Fokin told BuzzFeed, the hoverboard is wooden, and its body is made of fiberglass.

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

7. In early January, Fokin moved to his father's garage to finish assembling the first model of Anyuta. Here it is — the birthplace of the Russian hoverboard.

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

8. In an interview with one of the local media, the inventor said: his board will really be able to float above the ground. And over any type of its surface. He called all other projects of creating such boards "junk".

"I believe that the prototype will not need a brake. The edge will slow down. Ask how? Air edging. This is my theory, the correctness of which I will find out very soon."

Krasnoyarets finishes assembling a Russian hoverboard in his father's garage

9. The presentation is coming soon.

Keywords: Garage | Krasnoyarsk | Back to the Future

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