Just tired: why drunk Japanese lying on the streets don't bother anyone
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/just-tired-why-drunk-japanese-lying-on-the-streets-dont-bother-anyone.htmlWhat will be your reaction if you see a drunk person sleeping right on the road? Most likely, you will turn away with contempt and try to get around as far as possible. We have no sympathy for people who have been overtaken by a dream at the wrong time. But in Japan, people are completely calm about this and let people sleep it off.
The Japanese are not very resistant to alcohol and get drunk even from a small amount of alcohol. All because their body lacks an enzyme that provides the breakdown of alcohol. They are not shy about intoxication, and society does not blame them, unless drunk people behave aggressively.
Photographer Lee Chapman documents everyday life in Japan. He dedicated a separate series of pictures to drunk people sleeping on the street.
Vending machines selling alcohol can be found almost everywhere, even at the top of Mount Fuji.
In Japan, drunk people are relatively tolerant in public places: they are simply allowed to sleep it off.
In a desperate situation, even a pot with a flower will be a good replacement for a pillow.
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