It's not beer that destroys people: half-naked Irishmen staged a drinking party in a historic fountain in Italy

It's not beer that destroys people: half-naked Irishmen staged a drinking party in a historic fountain in Italy

Categories: Europe

The behavior of tourists has long been a special topic for discussion on the Web. For them, it costs nothing to have sex on the top of the pyramid of Cheops, and even to arrange a beach party right in the historical fountain in the city center-in general, just spit. It was for such a pastime that the police of the Italian Bologna found a group of Irish people.

It's not beer that destroys people: half-naked Irishmen staged a drinking party in a historic fountain in Italy

Five 20-year-old Irishmen celebrated their arrival in Italy at the world-famous Neptune Fountain in the center of Bologna. At the same time, the guys were in swimming trunks and behaved very casually and noisily. The company was located in a fountain on the edge of the pedestal of the statue of the sea god and paid tribute to the local beer.

It's not beer that destroys people: half-naked Irishmen staged a drinking party in a historic fountain in Italy

Everything was aggravated by the fact that the event took place at 6 am and the cheerful toasts of the Irish did not let the locals and guests of the ancient city sleep. The police found out about the obscenity immediately after the vacationers climbed into the fountain bowl – the attraction is equipped with a special alarm system. Almost simultaneously with the alarm signal, calls from outraged people began to arrive.

One of the women, who came with her husband to enjoy the medieval architecture of Bologna, was lucky enough to watch the hooligans right from the window of her room.

It's not beer that destroys people: half-naked Irishmen staged a drinking party in a historic fountain in Italy

The guys did not manage to enjoy a beer in the cool streams of the monument – the police arrived very quickly. At the sight of law enforcement officers, the Irish took to their heels right in their underpants and two almost managed to escape. But the police of Bologna do not get their salary in vain and three beer lovers were detained on the spot, and two of the most frisky – in the nearest alley.

After the arrest, the tourists behaved provocatively, laughed and continued to drink beer. When making the protocol, they said that they planned to recreate a scene from the film "Sweet Life", filmed in the 60s. The two heroes of the picture undressed and entered the Trevi Fountain in Rome.

It's not beer that destroys people: half-naked Irishmen staged a drinking party in a historic fountain in Italy

The gatherings in the fountain cost the guests from Ireland a considerable amount. Each of them paid a fine of 500 euros (43 thousand rubles). After paying a fine and a short lecture on the rules of behavior in tourist places, foreign guests were released in peace.

Keywords: Italy | Europe | Tourists | Police | Fountain | Bologna | News of the day

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