Is the black streak ending? Johnny Depp sued millions from his own lawyer

Is the black streak ending? Johnny Depp sued millions from his own lawyer

Categories: Celebrities

Johnny Depp, who had a long black streak in his life, celebrates his victory. The actor unexpectedly won a court case against his own lawyer. Despite the slim chances, Depp demanded tens of millions of dollars from his lawyer, and the judge sided with the actor, thereby creating a precedent. Now verbal agreements in Hollywood don't mean anything: everything needs to be concluded on paper.

Is the black streak ending? Johnny Depp sued millions from his own lawyer Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Last fall, Johnny Depp sued his own lawyer, a respected lawyer in the United States, Jacob Bloom. The actor claimed that Bloom, with whom he had been working since 1999, colluded with his former managers, which led to a deterioration in his financial condition. By the way, Jacob Bloom not only handled Depp's affairs, but also collaborated with Nicolas Cage, Jackie Chan, Ron Howard and other Hollywood clients.

Is the black streak ending? Johnny Depp sued millions from his own lawyer

Johnny Depp (left) and his former lawyer Jake Bloom

The statement said that it was Bloom who owed Depp money, and not any, but about forty million dollars. That's how much the actor paid the lawyer for solving all the legal issues of the actor for 18 years. At the same time, no written agreement was concluded between them, and oral ones can be considered invalid, the actor believed. And although the practice of oral agreements is common in Hollywood, and Johnny Depp's chances of winning were scanty, he still decided to try his luck and sue the lawyer for the money he earned.

Is the black streak ending? Johnny Depp sued millions from his own lawyerUnexpectedly for everyone, Judge Terry Green unexpectedly decided to create a precedent in legal practice.

But this is obviously not the end of the actor's "adventures" in court: in August 2018, he sued his ex-wife Amber Heard for beating.

Keywords: Actors | Johnny depp | Court | Lawyer

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