In Switzerland again, open brothels: here are the new rules of prostitutes

In Switzerland again, open brothels: here are the new rules of prostitutes

Categories: Europe | News | World

Swiss prostitutes will be able to start work on it next week, but only at observance of safety rules. "Night butterflies" are required to be in gloves and to adhere to the safe POS. But that's not all...

In Switzerland again, open brothels: here are the new rules of prostitutes For sex workers in Switzerland, the new rules of work with visitors during a pandemic coronavirus. The authorities decided that the spread of infection should not prevent the sex industry.

In Switzerland again, open brothels: here are the new rules of prostitutes

Pandemic coronavirus struck at the sex industry — brothels closed, limits were set to leave the house. In Switzerland, the Union of sex workers, in the hope of a speedy lifting of the ban, proposes to limit price list items that "reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus to a minimum."

In Switzerland again, open brothels: here are the new rules of prostitutes

Basic principles — always fresh linens, airing the rooms after each client, using only those sex positions that provide a certain, so to speak, social distancing. Namely, doggy style (doggy style, or knee-elbow) and reverse cowgirl (pose reverse cowgirl — woman on top, back to the partner).

As for ventilation, it should be at least 15 minutes. Washing of bed linen and towels must be carried out after each client and at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. We recommend the use of protective masks for the face.

The changes will also affect visitors to public houses. Now there is a ban on anonymity. All customer data will be stored in the database within 4 weeks. This is necessary in order in order to identify the spread of a virus. Clients of brothels will be waiting for gloves, condoms and disinfectants. Each session should be limited to a quarter of an hour to avoid the risk of large viral load.

In Switzerland again, open brothels: here are the new rules of prostitutes

The document also lists additional conditions: sex workers are forbidden to touch the personal belongings of customers, such as clothing, for example. The document calls apply restrictions for workers sex workers since June 8, when is the next stage of weakening of quarantine measures in the country.

Recall that prostitution in Switzerland is legal and regulated by the state. Brothels were temporarily closed on March 16 as part of the measures to combat the pandemic Covid-19.

Keywords: Safety | Brothel | Prostitution | Switzerland

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