In India, the gang opened its own police station and did business there

In India, the gang opened its own police station and did business there

Categories: Asia | Society

If the whole world is a theater, then the whole of India is definitely Bollywood. In the Indian state of Bihar, a group of criminals got a uniform, attached beacons to their cars and opened... a police station. For 8 months, the gang "stood guard" and did their business, pretending to be law enforcement officers.

In India, the gang opened its own police station and did business there

A fake police station was opened in a rented room on the first floor of the hotel. The funny thing is that he was only 500 meters from the house of the real chief of the local police. The department's employees wore uniforms with badges and weapons, drove around in police cars, opened criminal cases and imposed fines.

In India, the gang opened its own police station and did business there

Providing assistance to local residents, fake law enforcement officers did not refuse financial gratitude. Most often, they directly said that they would deal with the issue when they saw the money. The police provided a wide range of services. They even helped to get a job, giving out "official" recommendations, not for free, of course.

The crooks also recruited employees to the police. To do this, they were looking for visitors from rural areas, inexperienced in urban realities and in need of money. New "officers" were given uniforms and given salaries of up to 500 rupees (370 rubles) per day. Over time, life began to beat in the precinct. The officers received visitors, sitting several people in each office.

This went on for 8 months, until a real police officer drew attention to the weapon of one of the "officers". It was a primitive dummy made for a few rupees in a local locksmith's workshop. An attentive policeman shared his observations with his superiors, and a police raid arrived at the strange station.

In India, the gang opened its own police station and did business there

Six criminals, including a woman, were detained at the hotel. Unfortunately, the leader of the unusual gang was not in place and he is still walking free. Now the Bihar State police is investigating the activities of scammers, whose actions have affected several hundred people.

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