In California, a fat bear attacks residential buildings in search of food

In California, a fat bear attacks residential buildings in search of food

Categories: Animals

A real gastronomic evil has settled in the small Californian town of South Lake Tahoe. It is furry, almost round and threatens not people, but kitchen cupboards and refrigerators. His name is Hank the Tank and he is a very fat baribal bear. The animal has been terrorizing locals since last summer. Hank breaks into the houses of the townspeople and eats everything he can find there. Of course, the beast does not stand on ceremony with household furniture and utensils, leaving behind a real pogrom.

In California, a fat bear attacks residential buildings in search of food

Over the past six months, Hank has managed to visit 40 houses. Usually the bear breaks out the doors or climbs into the room through the window. He prefers not to quarrel with people and retires at the sight of the owners of the house. That's why Hank has the reputation of being an eternally hungry, but peace-loving robber.

In California, a fat bear attacks residential buildings in search of food

Victims regularly contact the police and environmental organizations with complaints about Hank. But when the cops set up bear traps around the town, they asked them to remove them themselves. They have become attached to a harmless glutton and, although he pesters them, they do not want to harm him. Residents of South Lake Tahoe are struggling with the insatiable Hank with improvised harmless means. Firecrackers, paintball guns and stun guns are used. But all these measures are ineffective and the looting of kitchens and storerooms continues.

In California, a fat bear attacks residential buildings in search of food

The non-profit organization "League of Bear Defenders", whose members have long been familiar with Hank, agree that the bear needs to be stopped. At the same time, the option of deprivation of his liberty or murder is not considered. The executive director of the organization, Ann Bryant, believes that the baribal should be captured and placed in a special bear reserve, away from people.

In California, a fat bear attacks residential buildings in search of food

The conservationist also blames the citizens themselves for what is happening. Hank wasn't always a brazen burglar. Once this bear was fed by people and he got used to human food. Now that the offerings have stopped, Hank gets his own food, of course, in the only way he knows how.

In California, a fat bear attacks residential buildings in search of food

Representative of the Department of Natural and Fisheries Resources of the State of California Peter Tyra says this about it:

In California, a fat bear attacks residential buildings in search of food

The baribal, or black bear, is the most common type of bear in the United States. These are not the largest predators of their kind with a body length of 1.4 to 2 meters. They usually weigh from 150 to 200 kg. The largest specimen weighing 363 kg was captured by hunters in Wisconsin in 1885. So Hank has something to strive for.

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