Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Categories: Culture | Exhibition

Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas calls his style of painting "emotional realism." He glorifies the beauty of the female body, showing it very frankly. At the same time, the artist masterfully depicts the faces of the heroines of his paintings, on which a range of different feelings and passions are visible. (Caution! Nudity).

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

László Gulyás was born in 1960 in Budapest. From 1983 to 1987, he studied at the capital's Academy of Fine Arts. Thanks to his obvious talent, the artist quickly gained recognition in his homeland. In 1987, along with his diploma from the Academy, he also received membership in the National Society of Hungarian Artists.

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Before developing his unique style, Laszlo Gulyas experimented for many years. As a result, his painting style, influenced by Rembrandt, became recognizable throughout the world.

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Today, Laszlo Gulyas's paintings are popular all over the world. He is a regular participant in exhibitions in his home country, Hungary, as well as in Germany, Austria, Italy, France and the USA. The master's paintings are highly valued by collectors from different countries.

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Another modern Hungarian master of painting is Vida Gabor, the author of beautiful paintings dedicated to old Budapest and its inhabitants.

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