I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature

I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature

Categories: Art | Beauty | Children | Nature | People | Photo project | World

I looked for the beauty in everyday life in my countryside in Iceland, where I have lived for seven years, and these are just a few of the pictures.

I have always been interested in photographing my three children playing in nature and when I see beautiful moments appear in everyday life. Seven years ago, I moved from the capital to the northern countryside of Iceland. Life there suddenly became quiet and simple and allowed me to work again on what I have a passion for: the small moments that unfortunately so often slip by us in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

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I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I have always been interested in childhood and how it shapes each person. My childhood, which was beautiful and full of adventures, maybe made me see how adventures can happen in your backyard and also how fast time flies. It is therefore important to be aware of the moments that appear right in front of our noses when, for example, we are busy planning something completely different and a wonderful family vacation in another place.

I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


What changed was the pace of my life when I moved to the countryside, but also I started photographing not only my children but also family and friends who came to visit. It made the project much more diverse and the moments became so incredibly adventurous.

I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


Children's childhood is probably very different from country to country, but what I keep in mind is the beauty of the moments in childhood that make children live in another world. A world of adventures where anything can happen and where the mind plays the biggest role. We can all take the children as an example and learn from them to appreciate the moment and the beauty in everyday life.


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


I Took 13 Portraits Of Children Surrounded By The Beauty Of Icelandic Nature


Keywords: Portraits | Children | Beauty | Icelandic nature | Beauty of nature | Pictures

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