"I dream of returning to Russia»: the story of a guy who moved to live in Japan
Categories: Asia
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/i-dream-of-returning-to-russia-the-story-of-a-guy-who-moved-to-live-in-japan.htmlEarlier, we already told you about a Russian woman who moved to Cyprus and soon regretted it very much. It's time to complete the cycle of stories with the story of a guy named Alexey.
He has been living in Japan for seven years and has learned a lot about this country. And most importantly-he dreams of returning to Russia... why? Read in our article.
Since childhood, Alexey knew that he was going to move to Japan — his father worked there, and together with his mother, they decided that it was there that their son should get an education. In the Land of the Rising Sun, Lyosha visited every summer, so it was not something new for him. However, after moving here, he still discovered other aspects of it, because of which he now plans to return back. But let's start in order.
Alexey still received a Japanese education, which, by the way, is considered one of the most advanced in the world. According to him, the training here is set up in the American manner: the students themselves are engaged in the selection of subjects and the preparation of the schedule, and instead of exams, credits are awarded for each passed two credits, to get a diploma, you need to close 120 credits.
Alexey with his classmates, second from the right
The cost of studying in Japan is comparable to education in prestigious Moscow universities — from 200 to 500 thousand rubles a year. During the first semester, visiting students are awarded a scholarship in the amount of $ 500 (37 thousand rubles), and also provide a hostel worth $ 300 (22 thousand rubles) for a double room. But Lyosha says that many people eventually move to rented housing, since renting a one-room apartment is only $ 100 more expensive.
After the guy graduated, he moved to Kobe-a port city of a million people, located on the Pacific Ocean.
Alexey in Dotonbori, Osaka
The Japanese consider their country perfect in terms of climatic conditions. There is an opinion that there are "ideal" seasons of the year: frosty snowy winter, hot summer, golden autumn and blooming spring. But, according to Lesha, this is not quite true.
Given this, in winter, electricity bills reach $ 300-500, which is equivalent to renting a one-room apartment. In the summer, the Japanese suffer from terrible heat — 40-45 degrees. That is why tourists are often discouraged from visiting the country during this period of the year — the death rate from heat stroke is terrifying.
However, Japan still attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers. Everyone is interested to see the blooming gardens and parks with their own eyes, to appreciate the unusual architecture and, of course, to personally get acquainted with the local features.
Alexey in Dotonbori, Osaka
And the Japanese themselves are happy to receive guests. Alexey says that tourists are treated with interest here: for local residents, Europeans are beautiful and rich. Everyone wants to take a picture with them, and Japanese girls dream of a foreign guy.
For seven years of living in Japan, Lesha could not get used to the calm and even systematic nature of the locals. Here everything happens according to the schedule: lunch, sleep, work, meetings with friends… And so it repeats itself from day to day.
In addition, here you should not count on a strong friendship with anyone. According to Alexey, the Japanese are very reserved — they never share personal things and are not used to giving others their shoulder. The company discusses only abstract topics — sports, art, travel, the concept of" heart-to-heart " in this nation is absent.
It's no secret that the Japanese are very efficient. And sometimes their craving for work reaches the point of absurdity. For example, earlier we told you about special diapers for young guys and girls, which they use to leave the workplace less often. However, even though the Japanese disappear in offices and get good money (the minimum wage is 1.5 thousand dollars, the average is 3 thousand), they can not afford housing.
The average local pension is about three thousand dollars a month (220 thousand rubles). It is not surprising that you can meet so many Japanese pensioners abroad, because it is at an advanced age that they begin to travel.
Among the other advantages of the Land of the Rising Sun, we should highlight high-quality service in all spheres of life.
A trifle, but nice…
However, according to Lesha, Japan could not become a home for him. Recently, the guy is increasingly thinking about returning to Russia. Alexey does not consider the option of going home during the vacation period, because here, we can say, it is not customary to take a vacation. If they are taken, then most often not completely, otherwise it is considered frivolous and frivolous attitude to work.
Alexey in Dotonbori, Osaka
Would you be able to move to another country? If so, which one?
Keywords: Life history | Russians | Emigrants | Emigration | Japan
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