Recently, knitting has been gaining more and more popularity. Now not only grandmothers knit, but also fashionable girls. Well, if you have already joined the ranks of modern knitters, we suggest that you take your skills to a completely new level and knit not a banal scarf or sweater, but ... a pie!
You can use tubes or chopsticks as spokes. This way the frozen dough will not stick to your hands.
Having tied a small fragment, immediately put it on the cake.
You may need several hours and several breaks to re-freeze the softening dough.
As soon as the whole pie is covered with a knitted crust, feel free to send it to the oven.
Enjoy... and don't forget to invite guests or post your creation on Instagram. Let everyone envy you!
Keywords: Pie | Knitting | Food and drinks | Dessert | Sweets | Pastries
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