How to swim in the hole, not to get sick

The benefits of swimming in the hole has long been proven by scientists. Ice-cold water strengthens the immune system, improves circulation to internal organs and brain and, of course, gives courage. In addition, many believe that bathing in the eve of the Epiphany and the Baptism can wash away sins... But for anybody not a secret that, having plunged into the hole, you can become seriously ill. Yes, it's scientifically proven that whatever is said by the adherents of the Epiphany of magic. The head of the Kolpinsky winter swimming club "Izhora" Dmitry Gladyshev told how in the winter to swim properly and safely.

How to swim in the hole, not to get sick

Ice swimming is possible at any age, if the person has no medical contraindications. Avoid ice font is those who have cardiovascular disease, prone to seizures, or at the time of the dive picked up a viral infection.

Ideal weather for winter swimming is -5 — -10 degrees Celsius in the absence of wind. But this is only recommended weather, as experienced winter bathers, without any doubt, dive into the water even at -30. Dmitry Gladyshev recommends a half to two hours before water treatments to take a spoon of fish oil with a slice of black bread and salt, or a slice of lemon.

Tightly had lunch, sweated or drunk person has no place in the hole — these factors create an unnecessary burden on the heart. It is advisable to RUB the body with olive oil or fat cream — these substances help to retain heat at low temperatures.

How to swim in the hole, not to get sick

To take in water should be determined. The longer a person is in doubt, is on the edge of the hole, shifting from foot to foot, the more it cools and the risk of getting sick. So Dmitri advises to dive sharply, not forgetting tightly closed mouth. The fact that tooth enamel is very sensitive to ice water and hit her in the mouth provides serious discomfort. Experienced walrus advises:

How to swim in the hole, not to get sick

After exiting the water is recommended immediately carefully RUB the body briskly dry with a towel. After that it is necessary to dress warmly, paying special attention to the feet. The legs should wrap up in the first place, because they are most sensitive to hypothermia.

How to swim in the hole, not to get sick

If all the conditions listed does Gladysheva are met, the risk of getting sick after the winter swimming in the hole is minimal. You will be able to swim in icy water, because even a fragile girl!

Keywords: Baptism | Bathing | Ice | Walruses | River

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