How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

Cyprien Verso is an astrobiologist and ice specialist working at the world's farthest scientific station, located deep in Antarctica. In his spare time, the man shares fascinating pictures on social networks that tell about the life of Cyprien and his colleagues in extreme weather conditions. The temperature in the places where the Verso group resides reaches -80 degrees!

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world A source: Bored Panda

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

Astrobiologist Cyprien Verso shares images from Antarctica

In the Arctic permafrost, in which Verso and his colleagues have to work, even the most "hardened" bacteria cannot survive. In addition, there is completely no smog and, of course, the landscape familiar to most people. Instead of trees and lawns — snow, instead of roads — ice floes, everything seems to be covered with a white veil. This makes the life of researchers look like an alien one.

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

Usually Verso is busy with climate research and collecting samples for observations, but in his spare time he is not averse to sharing pictures of local beauties on social networks.

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

In addition, Verso pleases subscribers with unusual photos of food. And this is not at all what we are used to seeing in the profiles of Instagram addicts.

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

In the photo, Verso shows what certain dishes look like if you try to cook them at a temperature of -80 degrees. Naturally, the researchers do not eat frozen pasta and frozen raw eggs in the air — all the pictures were taken for fun.

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

All products are stored by the employees of the scientific base in containers right on the street, because the temperature here never rises above 0 degrees.

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

But Cyprien's blog is not only rich in food photos. The man also shares interesting facts from the life of researchers.

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

How to live at a temperature of -80: pictures from the most remote scientific base in the world

Would you like to personally visit such an unusual place?

Keywords: Antarctica | Researchers | Scientists | Cold

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