How to get on the bed to sultans and why sultans watched the only woman in the eyes

Eastern passion, refined caress, hot the Sultan's love... what was it like? Oddly enough, many of the documents of the past in some detail tell you what.

How to get on the bed to sultans and why sultans watched the only woman in the eyes

The series "Magnificent century" has awakened the imagination of many women: I loved people! Especially sultans. And few people know what love that the Sultan was not easy. Every approaching a woman, except slaves, were governed by a set of rules. Including special rules concerning actions that take from a couple of solitude.

First of all, despite the strictly Muslim faith which was professed by the rulers of the Ottoman Empire, to their intimate life had the same yardstick as to the pagan gods and their elected representatives on earth. Sultan, above all, had to demonstrate a male potency and fertility, and hence, to cover and inseminate as many women as possible.

How to get on the bed to sultans and why sultans watched the only woman in the eyes

But what sultans doesn't really expected, so it appears his wife. A large number of mistresses, among other things, was used as an opportunity to honor a large number of important policy Sultan of families. Sometimes you take one or a couple of wives would offend many girls rejected, giving the advantage of only one or two families.

Very often the girls in the harem even before they signs of maturity represented their family. If these families were noble, but in the health of girls no flaw, the eunuchs, set to monitor harem, not particularly picky was to the exterior.

How to get on the bed to sultans and why sultans watched the only woman in the eyes

In the end, any woman will make a beautiful a good life and a good care! But fell into a harem and girls that are not related to political games. We are talking about those selected according to the tastes of the Sultan.

So, one of the sultans was loved not just full, and very full of women. So eunuchs were fed for his young concubines, almost not letting them move and picking up for them a special diet as well as searched in the slave markets of the girls is already noticeable fullness or, in some respects, to the entirety of very inclined.

While Sultan the life of the inmates of the harem was not too good, because they were deprived of one of the few opportunities of dancing. By the way, most of these dances is not intended for men's eyes. Dance of the female half of a house or Palace, was performed by women for women in honor of various events and holidays, as well as just out of boredom.

At the same time in the harem, there were approximately one and a half or two hundred concubines, some of which were free girls, and not slaves. The books of costs you can see that Suleiman the Magnificent, and in 1552 was officially 167 concubines. Most of them he's in that year, not even seen in person. And many saw later.

To the Sultan managed to show mercy to reach the largest possible the inmates of the harem, the eunuchs had set up a special schedule. Of course, if a girl loved the Sultan, she fell into the schedule more than once. But if the concubine didn't like his mother's, the official head of the harem, she has a chance meeting with the Sultan did not exist.

How to get on the bed to sultans and why sultans watched the only woman in the eyes

Before being presented to the Sultan, the girl was made several years. It was taught, first of all, good manners. Now tourists can see graffiti in the former premises of the harem. Guides usually give them love poems that will excite passion.

In fact, any scholar will see that there are instruction on behavior. These instructions she had to see every day to vyturiai by heart. So drawn beautiful lettering over the gate the words remind girls quote from the Quran that you cannot enter anywhere without permission and without saying Hello.

In addition to style, the girls learned to read and write, calligraphy, Coran, music, graceful versification — tradition prescribed in love, even if they met only for the intercourse in the first and last time in my life, share a tender verse.

Taught the girls to look after themselves beautifully to serve coffee and sweets and treat them to apply makeup, make small talk and even to fill his pipe. Depending on the origin, they are two years of training to become maids-kalfa or preferred odalik, concubines, which are not passed through the period of servitude to others.

But what they, contrary to the myth, was not taught, so this is to entice dancing ("similar with a Striptease") men, and the vagina to hold the stone egg.

Girls of foreign origin — Slavic stolen from the edges or from the North Caucasus — taught Turkish. Only after testing and the appearance of obvious signs of puberty, the girl was presented to the Sultan. And — if you're lucky. Many have lived up to the "release" of the harem, never having seen near his master, and staying at the Beck and call more successful concubines.

Yes, the harem was possible to leave. But not willingly. If the girl of nine years has never been found on the bed of the Sultan, gave her a large dowry and marry someone from the right to the Sultan of people. From this grace could not refuse neither girl nor her future husband. Often, the same fate was waiting for just free girls from good families — it in this case, it was not that someone had found her "poor", and that a concubine of the Sultan, she was symbolically.

The family and the Sultan had each other's respect, and the girl received an excellent by the standards of the time and the formation of the country, excluding the purely material dowry. Another reason why the Sultan was more frequently found on the bed with the girls than with free girls, was the fact that, become the representative of one of the clans of the Empire, the mother of the heir, the clan this could dangerously elevated.

How to get on the bed to sultans and why sultans watched the only woman in the eyes

So nobody can tell what family was the mother of Suleiman the Magnificent. His successor Selim was born of a slave Slavic lands, known in Europe as roxelana and in Turkish as Hürrem. The mother of the heir Selim Morada was a slave, kidnapped a Venetian ship.

However, a large number of noble girls in the harem was the reason why were introduced, "rules for the gifts," which ravaged real hard Sultan's Treasury. There are many occasions on which the inmates of the harem, the Sultan, knowing it or not knowing, was obliged to send gifts.

There were times when the sultans tried to save money by reducing the number of gifts, and faced with a real revolt in the harem. If it consisted entirely of the girls, the rebellion would be easy to suppress, but the brutal punishment of free girls threatened to conflict with their families.

In addition to gifts and directly of material security, the concubines were supposed to be something like a salary. Pupil-Ajami received six silver coins a day, concubine who became administratorem in the harem — mouth could get to two hundred and fifty coins.

Most of all received mother's sons, who might be or not to be official wives of sultans, they still have the same respect for the fact that you gave birth to a son. Their daily payments of up to two thousand coins. The money concubine spent completely at its discretion — to purchase, which sent eunuchs to the cash gifts faithful servants and maids, for the maintenance of the family or charity.

Although mainly for those who spend the night with the Sultan (when the Sultan's not too busy), followed the eunuchs and the mother of the Sultan, sometimes he chose, after seeing some beauty when you visit the harem.

How to get on the bed to sultans and why sultans watched the only woman in the eyes

According to European legend, when the Sultan came to the harem, the girls in the sign of the eunuchs or Valide Sultan danced in front of him until he did not throw one of them a handkerchief. Marked thus had come in the night. In fact, the Sultan could ask to dance concubine (if she was a slave), but more often conversed with them, took treats and listened as they sing their own music love songs.

Beloved Sultan, as a rule, sent a special gift. Then she prepared and taken to the Sultan's bedroom eunuchs. This does not necessarily happen the same night.

To visit the Sultan's bedroom, the girl had to have a clean body (not just apriranno, and even without bruises, not to offend the eyes of the Sultan). She was supposed to feel good, and God forbid, if the excitement of the upcoming meeting she had prematurely begun menstruating! The meeting was postponed or canceled altogether.

The Sultan, too, can say, for years had been preparing for these meetings. He was taught how to behave in bed, for example, that (which is not practiced in many Arabic-speaking countries) female after copulation with him needs to remain cheerful and happy.

In aid of the Sultan was a special treatises about love. No, not "Kama Sutra" — the Greek and Arabic texts. And not all recommendations from there, the Sultan could perform. Court doctors added a lot of limitations. Seeing the concubine, the Sultan was obliged to start a conversation with her gentle voice.

However, nobody told them to check whether the girl calmed down — it truly virtuous girl had to fear or embarrassment. The conversation must move in hugs and kisses, and those already in the Union, though none of those present... completely undressed.

It is strictly forbidden was — contrary to the imagination of Europeans, group, and anal sex. Any slave revolt would offer her the Sultan to share a bed with another woman, and, of course, the Sultan did not share their women with other men.

To not have any thoughts about anal sex, and it was more difficult to see the genitals of each other, it was recommended to avoid the knee-elbow position. It is better to lay on top of it and watch the woman in the face, without being distracted believed the doctors.

How to get on the bed to sultans and why sultans watched the only woman in the eyes

A complex relationship was to oral sex. They were mentioned in the texts, which introduced the future sultans. But the art of cunnilingus recommended to carry out wet fingers, and those doctors that admitted the possibility of felecia, warned that the seed was poured out to the woman in a mouth.

After copulation, the Sultan and his beloved again exchanged pleasantries secular and said goodbye. To fill a woman was in his bed. The next morning she sent a gift.

Who was in the bed of the Sultan once called "gezde". This concubine immediately raise a salary, provided two of their own slaves with rooms for each, and gezde were more likely again to meet with the Sultan in the bedroom than ordinary concubines.

If gezde pregnant, she became Iqbal and might be eligible for more frequent meetings with the Sultan (optional in bed). Iqbal received four slaves and a few rooms. Most every Iqbal was afraid to lose a child. Then it as in poor health, was not admitted to the Sultan, and after some time were married.

If Iqbal was born a girl, she became kadyn. Daughters of the sultans, I must say, had special privileges. They were mistresses of their husbands. In the bedroom, the couple princesses could come only with their permission, and bed — only in the bow. If the husband was not pleased with the Princess, without delay, been divorced and married another. The husbands of the princesses were not allowed to take other wives.

The wives of sultans fun, investing in interesting commercial projects patronizing artists and poets, through philanthropy and diplomatic correspondence and going on picnics, for which the eunuchs cleared the path and picnic spot for many meters around, because no man had a right to look for the mother of the Prince and the more the wife of the Sultan.

Princes also often held in remote palaces, allowing them only pre-sterilized concubines. To reproduce had the right one Sultan. In addition to removing the ovaries, the concubines were removed and languages — because it was believed that a woman can inspire a man to great things too... like rebellion against his father. To be in the Prince's harem was not pleasant. Despite the fact that he was bed pleasures for the same tracts as his father.

Keywords: Harem | Woman | Rules | Sultan

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