How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

Categories: Asia

On October 27 we celebrate Teddy Bear Day. But did you know that there is a special cafe for plush toys in Tokyo? In Japan, where the love of cute things is taken to a whole new level, they have created a place where toys can hang out like true royalty. Curious to know the details? We offer you a photo report about the unusual Nuigurumi cafe and its amazing visitors.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

If you are seriously concerned that your teddy bear is bored, you should not rush to see a psychiatrist, they are sure in Japan. At Tokyo's Nuigurumi Cafe, a visitor with a plush toy will be greeted not by stern orderlies, but by friendly waitresses. There is only one limitation: the cat or bear should not be too big. Palm size - just right.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

At Nuigurumi Cafe you can leave your toy for a day and not worry about anything. The cost of the service is forty dollars.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

For this money, the toy will receive a cocktail of raspberries, blueberries and strawberries and a rice omelet.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

For dessert - coffee made from beans grown in Tasmania and pancakes with maple syrup.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

The friendly staff will play cards with clients and watch TV in plush company.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

At night, bunnies, cats, bears, pigs and fish are read a fairy tale and carefully put to bed.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

In the morning, clients will be taken home with gifts: a photo album or a bag of brown sugar.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

Some statistics. 85% of adult Japanese women own at least one toy. More than half of them take toys to bed with them.

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

How does a Japanese plush toy cafe work?

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