Hotel in the radar tower

Hotel in the radar tower

Categories: Design and Architecture | Travel

Usually, when talking about hotels, we imagine a small cozy house or a tall multi-level building with many rooms. Panama's Canopy Tower Hotel in the Soberanha National Park breaks all the usual stereotypes.

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Hotel in the radar tower

Hotel in the radar tower

1. The cozy building of a hospitable boarding house previously served as a radar tower. It was built by the Americans to control an important strategic facility - the Panama Canal. But times have changed and there is no longer a need for total control. Therefore, the tower was abandoned and fell into disrepair.

Hotel in the radar tower


Hotel in the radar tower

3. Today, the old building, surrounded by dense thickets of tropical forest, has been reconstructed and has become a favorite vacation spot for couples and people seeking complete unity with nature.

Hotel in the radar tower


Hotel in the radar tower

5. Spacious bright rooms, a large library, cozy hammocks - all this is conducive to a pleasant pastime and a good rest from the bustle of the city.

Hotel in the radar tower

6. But the main "trick" of the hotel is still a large observation deck with a 360-degree view.

Hotel in the radar tower

7. The hotel is highly appreciated and loved by ornithologists all over the world. Since here they can fully, at close range, study the nesting of rare birds in this area.

Hotel in the radar tower


Hotel in the radar tower


Hotel in the radar tower


Hotel in the radar tower


Hotel in the radar tower


Keywords: Tower | Hotel | Panama

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