Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

Categories: Animals | Asia

The small Japanese island of Okunoshima can be considered one big touching zoo for rabbits. There are more than 300 of them here, and they roam freely throughout the island. The history of the appearance of rabbits on Okunoshima is shrouded in mystery, but there is an assumption that in 1971 a group of schoolchildren who came on an excursion to the island brought several individuals. Soon, new eared residents flooded the entire island.

Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

There are actually more rabbits here than people.

This is due to the fact that until 1945 there was a top-secret military base on Okunoshima, which was engaged in the production of poisonous gases. After the war, the plant was destroyed, as well as all the evidence about it. Residents and workers have left the island.

Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

But now this place can be called a real abode of rabbits, who walk around the island without fear.

Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

Despite the fact that the animals are wild, they meet tourists without fear, jumping on their laps and accepting all kinds of treats as a gift. Visitors to Okunoshima are allowed to feed and pet the animals. They are even offered to bring food for rabbits, especially in winter, when there is not enough natural food on the island.

Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

More than 100 thousand tourists come here every year. The island also has a hotel for guests, a small campsite and even a golf course.

Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

In order to protect the local furry population, tourists are forbidden to take dogs and cats with them to the island.

Here it is, rabbit paradise in Japan

You will definitely want to go there.

Keywords: Rabbits | Island | Paradise | Japan

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