Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | Nature | North America | World

Healthy body, healthy spirit. Our health depends on what we eat. The girl who I loved canned food, almost paid for it with his health. She radically changed her diet and is eating only raw fruits and vegetables.

Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

Read about the benefits of a raw food diet, it is proved cute American by example, in our material.Former "dependent" on canned food claims she cured of intestinal inflammation by eating only raw fruits and vegetables throughout the year.

Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

20-year-old Riley Hey Warner (Riley A Warne) from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, stopped eating meat when she was 15. Despite this, she regularly consumed vegetable and fruit preserves. In early 2018, she felt a sharp pain in my stomach and had to go to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed her intestinal inflammation.Since that time, Riley decided to completely change your diet. She started with switched mode-detox: within 33 days she only drank juice and ate nothing.A student studying integrated food, so happy to share my impressions from a radically new diet. She says that with a change in the usual stuffs her health was much better.The girl improved skin condition, stopped abdominal pain and increased energy. Besides, Riley had forgotten what a depression, although I often took anti-anxiety medications.Since the age of 8, young lady gradually stopped eating meat, believing it is unethical. In 2016, she was entirely on vegetable food.

Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

The girl no longer visits the restaurants. Instead, she became a regular customer of vegetable and fruit stalls.

Healthy food now and forever: the girl who ate canned food, changed his diet and life

All close support Riley. Her boyfriend, Nick, is also followed by a raw food diet after his beloved. The majority of those who first learns about the unusual lifestyle of girls, criticized that position and call her weird.Young seredka talks about the positive effects of diet on fruits and vegetables for their health and well-being, so others also tried to change my life.

To be a vegetarian or a carnivore — a private matter. Someone can live on some vegetables and feel good, and someone can not imagine my life without a piece of meat. Each of us can have what he wants, as long as we don't "eat" each other.

How do you feel about the raw food diet?

Keywords: Nature | North America | Health and medicine | PA | Peace | Girl | Doctors | Vegetables | Diet | Fruit | Vegetarianism | Food and drinks | Canned food | Healthy eating | Healthy lifestyle | Raw foodists

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